Niall Concussion

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Niall POV
"Niall, your turn honey" Lou said as she poked her head into Louis and Liam's dressing room. "Are Louis and Lux still asleep?"
"Yeah, Lux woke up and wanted more chocolate at one point, but Louis' been out like a light" I said as I sat down in her chair
"Ah, okay. Are you excited for the show tonight?" She asked as she began spritzing my hair with water
"I'm always excited for the shows. We've got a pretty good crowd tonight apparently" I said
Lou continued working on my hair and makeup for a few more minutes before finishing.
"Alright sweetheart, you're done" She said and I got up
"Thank you Lou!" I said before I left the room
"You're welcome darling"

"Come on Louis, wake up" I heard Paul say before I entered his dressing room
Paul, Harry and Liam were crouched next to the couch where Louis was and Zayn was holding Lux on the other side of the room.
"Is he okay?" I asked as I made my way over
"He started having some spasms in his sleep and now he won't wake up" Harry explained
"Is he going to be okay?" I asked as Paul gently tapped his cheek
"That's what we're trying to figure out" Liam said as Harry stood up and went to find a water bottle
"Here Paul" He said as he returned
After a few moments more of coaxing, and rubbing a bit of water onto Louis' neck, his eyes fluttered open and he looked around at us.
"Louis? Can you look at me?" Paul said and Louis looked at him. "Are you okay?"
"Feel. Bad" He whispered
"Okay. Are you nauseous, do you have a headache? What's wrong" Paul continued
"Head 'urts"
"Okay, did you take your pill this afternoon?"
"He did. I woke him up and had him take it about two hours ago" Liam said
"Did I have, another seiz, seizure?"
"Yeah, just a small one though. I'm going to stay here with you while you rest for a bit, okay?" Paul said as Louis did his best to nod while laying down. "Now, Liam, can you grab some advil for Louis' head?"
"Of course," Liam said as he went to his own backpack and grabbed a bottle of advil
"Alright, Louis. Liam has some meds that'll help your head, okay?" Paul said as he gently sat Louis up and handed him a pill and a water bottle
Louis took the pills, and then rested back down, before Paul kicked us all out so Louis could get some sleep.

That night, the show started out amazing. The fans were very enthusiastic and energetic, and I think all of us were having a good time.
It wasn't until Little White Lies, our second to last song, that things went south.

"That's all I'm thinking about, all I keep thinking about. Everything else just fades away" I sang and then Harry began the first chorus
"You say you're a good girl," He sang as Liam running towards me, and I knew he wanted to tackle me.
I began running away from him and towards Zayn jokingly, and but I wasn't quite paying attention to where I was going or how close to small step down I was.
Hypothetically, falling down 25cm wouldn't be that big a deal. Hypothetically.

I turned around just as my foot slipped down the step, and I went diving into the ground. I heard someone call my name before everything went weird.

Zayn POV
"Niall. Ni. Niall, can you hear me?" I said as I gently shook his shoulder. His eyes were open, but he wasn't moving or responding.
"Is he okay? Niall, are you okay?" Liam asked as he knelt next to me and I motioned for Harry to try and distract the crowd
"He landed on his head, Liam" I said as I heard Paul coming over
"Is he unconscious?" Paul asked when he was in earshot
"No. Well, kind of" Liam said as Paul knelt beside Niall's head
"Niall, can you hear me. Niall?" Paul said as he put one arm onto Niall's shoulder and leaned over so he was looking into his eyes
After a moment Niall slowly met Paul's eyes
"Niall, can you hear me"
"Urgh" He groaned
"Okay, Niall, you've had a bit of a fall so just relax" Paul said and Niall began to move
"Hey, hey mate. Take it easy" Liam said as he put a hand onto Niall
"I'm okay" Niall mumbled as he maneuvered himself onto his hands and knees
"Niall, just take it easy for a minute, man" I said and Paul put his hand onto Niall's shoulder to help support him
Niall then moved to sit up, and Paul placed his other hand on Niall's back, just as Niall began to limply fall backwards and the crowd began to scream and cry out.
"Woah, you woah. Niall. Liam I need help. Support his back" Paul said as did his best to grip Niall and lay him back down onto his back with Liam's help
"I need a medic out here now" Paul then said urgently into his radio and Liam put his hands on either side of Niall's head
"Niall, are you okay?" I asked, and got no response
"Boys back up and give the medics some room" Paul said as two medic and three of our security guards came onto stage

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