Harry Backstage Cooking Competition

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Harry POV
"Hello! I'm Harry" I began, introducing myself to the camera. "This is Lou, and welcome to the Styles versus Louise cook-off challenge"

Earlier I had challenged Lou to a cook off, and we decided to create an Italian classic - paninis.
Liam, Niall, and Preston were the judges, the other two boys, and Paul were our audience, and Mike was filming.

"What're you going to be making, Louise?" I asked
"I'm going to be making a chicken pesto panini!" She said to the camera, and then looked to me
"I'm going to be keeping mine a secret, because it's my secret weapon and I'm not gonna give it away" I added
"Alright, chefs," Preston began. "You have forty-five minutes on the clock. Starting....Now!"
Both Lou and I rushed to grab our ingredients from our make-shift 'pantry'. Lou went for the organized approach, searching for what she wanted, while I just grabbed whatever - it made sense as I didn't have a recipe.
"Yeah, it's a family recipe. It's been passed down through quite a few generations" I told the camera as I walked to my cooking station, my arms full of all the pots, pans, bowls, and ingredients that I could carry. "It's usually kept in a safe, in a fire proof box"
I opened the cabiatta rolls that I was using for the bread, and realized I forgot utensils.
"I'm going to need pretty much all of these" I said, walking over to Lou's station and taking her cooking utensils
"Hey, Harry! That's cheating!" She exclaimed, grabbing my arm and I scampered away. "So cheeky!" She called as she went to find some more spoons and knives from the 'pantry'.
I began chopping random ingredients, and put them into a bowl.
"What do you think he's making?" Mike asked Liam and Niall, filming them
"I have no idea" Liam answered
"I think I'm actually going to have to run to the shoppe quickly," I said, getting up and leaving the room
I walked back to our dressing room quickly, and went into my backpack. There I had candies and protein bars, which were obviously vital ingredients in my dish.
I found a large storage container and put them into it, and then dragged it back into the room
"What on earth have you got there?" Niall cackled as I came back in
"My ingredients!" I exclaimed as I pulled the bin over to my station. "I think when you're making a dish so complex, it becomes about winning. Quite simply" I explained to the camera
"Are you worried about his secret ingredients?" Mike asked Lou, turning the camera to her
"I think, yes, a little bit. He seems to be being very precise over there" She said as I measured my rolls with a ruler to make sure they were even. "But I personally believe that this completion is more about flavor, rather than presentation. So I reckon I have him there"
"Are you underestimating me, Lou?!" I said loudly, not turning my attention away from the onion I was dicing
"How are you going to cook your panini Harry?" Lou called, and I realized I had yet to plug in my panini press
"Hey, that's an illegal assistance!" Preston said
"Thank you Lou!" I called as I plugged it in
I continued prepping and building my sandwiches, loading it up with lunch meat, crumbled protein bars, and veggies. When they were ready to cook, I put my hand next to the press to see if it was hot enough.
"Why aren't you heating up" I groaned, noticing how it hadn't even started to warm. I reached for the outlet, and fiddled with the plug a bit, trying to get the circuit to work.
Suddenly I felt my hand clamp onto the end of the cord, and my vision blurred. I didn't understand what was happening, and it felt as if all the air in my lungs was sucked out of me. Pain rippled through my entire body, going everywhere, from my toes all the way to my head. I tried to yell something, but my body and voice wouldn't cooperate. And then it was as if a switch went off, and everything went dark.

Liam POV
"Why aren't you heating up?" Harry complained as he fiddled with the panini press cord and the outlet
Suddenly, he froze and visibly tensed, and Paul and Preston quickly stood up.
Lou also stopped what she was doing upon seeing Harry, and I watched in confusion as Paul rushed to turn the power off.
As he did so, Harry collapsed to the floor, unconscious.
"Fuck, Harry" I said as I stood up
"What happened?" Niall asked as Paul, Mike, Preston, and Lou rushed over to Harry
"He's been electrocuted" Preston said simply as Paul took his pulse and leaned down to listen to his breathing. "Stay over there boys,"
"His pulse is fine, but he's breathing a little slow. Just give him a minute." Paul announced. "Here, let's get him into recovery position,"
Preston and Lou helped Paul carefully roll Harry into recovery position, and I moved closer so I was kneeling next to Harry.
"Should I call for an ambulance?" I asked, curious as to why Lou or anyone hadn't rang one yet
"Not yet. We'll give him a few minutes to wake up, I think he's just blacked out" Paul said

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