Louis Seizure (2)

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Louis POV
As I reached out for the elevator button, I felt my hand slightly lag behind. No this was not happening here, not now, not while I was alone. What floor was our room on again? I needed to get to the boys. The elevator doors closed without me pushing any button. Goddamnit, what floor were we staying on?
I felt sick to my stomach, and a metallic taste made itself present in my mouth. I really didn't want to have a seizure, but I knew there was nothing I could do.
I was in the elevator, right? Yeah. I went on a walk, after the fight with Zayn, I reminded myself
I really need to lay down I thought to myself, but it was too late. A sharp pain seared through my head, and I felt myself falling before everything went white.

"Sir? Sir?" I heard someone say as I next came to, but they sounded like they were at the other end of a tunnel. After a moment of trying, I felt my eyes open. Everything was strangely blurry and muffled, but I did my best to glance around and survey my surroundings.
"Can you tell me your name, sir?" Another person asked, this voice belonging to a woman.
"L-Louis" I managed
I moved my gaze between the two people, but they looked quite fuzzy. One seemed to be a man with curly, blonde hair, and the other a woman with grey hair and fair skin. My brain felt foggy, but I was pretty sure that I didn't know them.
"You've had a seizure, and someone is calling down to reception to get you help"
My face felt numb, but I could feel someone touching it.
"Miy heaad" I tried to say, but the words sounded muddled together
"You have a bit of a gash, I'm guessing from when you fell"  The old woman explained
"Are you with anyone? Can we call someone for you?" The young man asked
Suddenly I felt the same pain in my head from before, and everything went white.

I could tell that I was on the ground somewhere, but I couldn't remember where. And there were muffled sounds around me. I opened my eyes and tried to take in what was going on.
There were four people in front of me, two - both brown haired men - looked vaguely familiar, but I couldn't quite put a name to their faces.
A pain shot through my brain and then things went white.

Paul POV
I was on a call with Modest! headquarters, when another call came in.
It was Louis.
I briefly considered ignoring it, I could just call him back in a moments time, but he rarely called me so this had to have been important.
"Hello?" I answered
"Hello, is this Louis' emergency contact?" A man asked from the other end of the line
"Yes, is he alright?" I asked as I felt a panic flicker through me. I had just been with him thirty minutes ago.
"My grandmother and I found him in the elevator at the Fitzwilliam. He's cut his head badly and is having multiple seizures. He couldn't really answer our questions when he woke up, but his phone was in his pocket so we called you"
"Shit. Alright, what floor? I'm his bodyguard. I'll be right down"
"Fourth floor. Please hurry" He said as the line disconnected.

I hurried down the hallway towards the stairs. Louis was currently on fourth, and we were on sixth, so I assumed it would be quicker to take the stairs than wait for an elevator; especially since there was only one in operation as he was in the other.
I made my way down the first flight, almost running into Liam in the process.
"Woah, Paul. Where are you off to in such a hurry?" He asked
"Louis is having cluster seizures in the elevator" I responded, pushing past him and continuing down
"Wait, I'm coming with you" Liam said and I heard him following me

"How many seizures has he had?" I asked as I approached the elevator.
A young man, possibly a little bit older than the boys, and his grandmother where knelt between the elevator doors, keeping them from closing and taking Louis to a completely different floor.
"He just came out of his second" The woman said as she briefly looked over at Liam and I.
Once I got beside them, I surveyed the situation, and it was definitely not ideal. Louis appeared to have about an 8cm gash from his hairline down to his cheekbone, and his face was covered with blood.
"Louis, it's time to wake up" I said as I gently shook him.
Liam gasped as he saw Louis.
"What happened?" He asked
"We aren't sure, we called the elevator and he was in it seizing when it arrived" The young man explained
"Louis, can you hear me?" I asked as I saw Louis' eyes flutter open
He just glanced around sluggishly at all four of us
"Can one of you go grab me some washcloths from your room? I need to try and control this bleeding a bit" I said as Liam stepped over Louis so he was situated behind him.
"What do we do, Paul?" Liam asked me desperately
Liam had been here through it all. He witnessed Louis' crash at the beginning of the tour; he was the first to Louis' side when he was hit by the soda can; he stayed by Louis' side through countless seizures; and now he was here.
"Paul?" Liam repeated, and I looked up at him
"Right. We need an ambulance, have you called an ambulance?" I directed to the young man
"Yes, someone called down to reception for an ambulance when we first found Louis" He answered
"Okay. Your grandmum is on her way with towels, right?" I asked
"Yes, our room is just down the hall so she be here shortl-"
He paused as Louis' eyes rolled back in his head and his muscles tensed.
"Alright Louis, it's okay" I said as I instinctively pulled out my phone and set a timer.
"Here are some towels," the older woman said as she approached the elevator, carrying multiple washcloths and rags, "oh my. Poor boy"
I took a washcloth and firmly pressed it against Louis' gash. I did my best to keep steady pressure as his head and body jerked.
"You're okay, Louis" Liam cooed
"Can he hear you?" The man asked
"We aren't sure," I explained. "And I'm sorry, I don't think I got your names"
"Oh I'm George and my grandmum is Shirley"
"Okay, I am Paul, Louis' bodyguard, and this is Liam" I introduced myself properly
Louis' convulsions slowed and then came to a stop at the 3 minute mark.
"Liam, can you grab me another washrag?" I said, noticing that Louis had pretty much entirely bled through the one I was holding to his head.
As I pressed the clean cloth to his face, I felt his muscles tighten again. Soon he was convulsing.
"Can someone call down to concierge and figure out how far that ambulance is?" I requested, and Shirley  hurried back to her room to do so.
"He took his pill this morning, Paul" Liam informed me, and when I looked up his eyes were full of panic.
"Okay, Liam. We're gonna get him some help, try not to panic" I ensured him

Paramedics arrived shortly after Louis' seizure died down. He had had cluster seizures before, but never four in a row.
"Hello, I'm Judy and this is Michael. Who is this?" She introduced herself
"This is Louis," I said
"Alright, and you are?"
Michael crouched down next to me, and took over putting pressure on Louis' wound
"Paul, his body guard" I replied
"Okay. How old is he?" She asked as she knelt down next to him
"Alright, and I assume he isn't under the influence of any alcohol?"
"No, no. He hasn't drank in months" Liam piped up
"How long has he been unresponsive for?" Michael asked
"He's been unconscious since his third seizure. He's had one more since, both lasting around three minutes with a minute in between. He woke up from his second for about thirty seconds, but wouldn't respond to us" I explained
"Okay. Does he have a history of seizures?" He continued
"Yes, he's had epilepsy for a few months now as a result of a brain injury. He's not prone to cluster seizures though"
"Okay," he said as he turned to his partner "Administer 10mg diazepam" he ordered
Judy reached into her bag as Louis went into his fifth grand mal.
"What're you giving him?" Liam asked
"An emergency sedative. It'll stop the seizures so that we can transport him safely" The woman EMT explained
Sure enough, only a few seconds after they injected Louis' arm, his convulsions soon slowed to a stop.
"Okay. We are going to load him onto a stretcher and take him to St. Vincent's given his celebrity status. It's a more private setting" Michael told us
I gave them a hand at lifting Louis, and then Judy placed an oxygen mask onto his face.
"One of you can come with us in the back" Judy said
"Liam, how about you go. I have to stay here with the others, and update them on what's going on" I suggested and Liam was quick accept my offer.
Judy and Michael rolled Louis onto the elevator, and Liam followed.
"Text me. I'll meet you at the hospital" I said to Liam as the doors began to close.
I thanked George and Shirley for all of their help, before heading back towards the stairwell.
How was I going to explain this one to the boys?

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