Liam Spiked Drink / Overdose (1)

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Liam POV
"How are you, Liam?" Lou asked as I sat down on her chair
"I'm good" I said as I took a swig from my water bottle
"I heard there was a bit of an incident with Louis at lunch" She began a conversation
"Yeah, it was kind of my fault to be honest. He said he felt poorly, but I forced him to eat. I also didn't notice he was choking until his face turned blue" I said
"Poor lad. Don't beat yourself up about it, you could've have known he would've gone into a seizure" Lou reasoned and I took another drink of water. "You thirsty?" She asked
"Yeah" I said as I took another drink, feeling awfully thirsty all of a sudden.

We continued making small talk for a few minutes while I finished Liam's hair, and moved to my makeup.

"Okay, Liam. You're done" I said as I finished.
Liam appeared to be zoned out, so I repeated myself louder.
"Liam, you're done"
"Liam, honey, are you alright?" I tried, and finally he blinked and looked at me.
"Hmm?" He hummed
"I asked if you were alright" I said
"Ohhh 'm fihn" He slurred as he went to get off of the chair
"Hang on hon, stay here. You're talking is off. Are you feeling okay?" I asked as I looked at him. He sounded drunk but his pinpoint pupils told me otherwise.
"Iy feel funnny" He mumbled
"Okay, stay where you are" I said, confused as anything, so I went to find Paul.

"Paul!" I called as an found him in a nearby hallway.
"Lou, what's up?" He asked as he finished his conversation with one of the guards, John, and came over to me
"I need you to come look at Liam for a minute. I'm not sure what's going on but he's very out of it"
"Okay. Let's go" Paul said as we walked back to the room

Liam was still in the chair, but his whimpers could be heard from outside the room.
"Liam, honey, what's wrong?" I asked as we went around in front of him
His skin was clammy, his eyes were darting around the room, and his arms were hanging limply at his sides
"Liam, can you hear me?" Paul said but Liam just continued whimpering
"Liam, come on honey" I encouraged, but still nothing
"Liam, what have you taken?" Paul asked
"You think he's taken something?" I said in shock. Out of the boys, Liam was the least likely to do drugs in my mind. For god's sake, he was the one who would yell at Zayn and Louis for smoking, let alone doing any hard stuff.
"I think he's overdosed, that's what I think" Paul said as he took Liam's pulse.
"What? Liam doesn't do drugs. He never would" I said, though I knew Paul was probably right
"Here let's get him onto the floor," Paul said as he lifted Liam from the chair and laid him down onto his side. "Can you call an ambulance, Lou?"
"Yeah, yeah, of course" I said as I pulled out my phone

Paul POV
"Come on Liam, keep breathing" I encouraged as Liam's face got paler and his lips began to turn blue. In the two minutes it had been since I laid Liam onto the floor, his condition had worsened dramatically. His heart rate had noticeably slowed, and his breathing was coming out in small gasps.
His muscles were slack, and his whimpers had subsided, but this worried me even more.
"Louise, how far is that ambulance?" I asked, unsure as to whether or not Liam would still have a heartbeat when it arrived.
"Ten minutes, how's he doing?" She answered
"Not good. I don't know how much longer he has. Can you go find Harry or someone? I need to know what he's taken" I said
"Sure, of course" She said as she rushed out to go find someone
I felt Liam's arm twitch beneath my hand, and I my heart dropped as I looked down to see him convulsing.
"Okay Liam. Just hang on" I said as I kept him on his side
Fortunately, the seizure only lasted about twenty seconds, unfortunately, I couldn't find a pulse afterwards.
"Liam, come on. Don't do this" I said as I pressed my fingers deeper into his neck
Finally I gave up on trying to find a pulse and began CPR.

"Paul, I have Harry...oh-" Lou said as she and Harry came into the room
"Fuck. I didn't see him take anything. Are you sure he's overdosing?" Harry sputtered as he tried to rush over to me and Lou did her best to hold him back
"Yes, I'm sure. Has he drank anything?" I said as I continued with chest compressions, only pausing every few seconds to give him two rescue breaths.
"Just his water" Lou said
"Okay. Bring it over here, they'll probably want to drug test it" I said before giving Liam two more rescue breaths. "Harry, how about you go and meet the paramedics, they should be arriving shortly" I suggested
"Harry, honey? Are you listening?" I heard Lou ask
"Lou, sit him down, he might be in shock" I said, not averting my attention from Liam who was still showing no signs of life
"Alright, Harry sweetie, it's okay" She said as she managed to sit him down onto the dressing room couch. "I'll go guide the paramedics" She said as she left the room

When Lou returned a few minutes later, she had three paramedics following her.
"This is Liam?" A taller man asked
"Yes," I said as I continued with chest compressions. I knew not to stop until I was told to
"Alright, I'm Hans and this is Karl and Alice. Do you know what he's taken?" Hans asked
"No. He's been drinking his water quite a lot though, so maybe there's something in that" Lou said as she picked up the water bottle and handed it to the medic.
"Does he have a history of drug use?" Hans continued as Karl took over CPR while Alice began getting the defibrillator ready.
"No, never. Not that I know of" I said as I stepped back and the woman began putting shock pads onto Liam's chest
"Okay. Charge to 200" Alice said
"Alright. Clear!" She said as she shocked Liam
"Still no pulse" Karl said as he looked at the heart monitor on Liam's index finger
"Okay, charge to 400" Alice ordered
"Okay, charged."
"Clear!" She called before shocking Liam a second time
"Alright, we've got a pulse" Karl announced
"Looks like an opioid overdose. I need some naloxone"  Hans said as Alice unzipped her medic bag and pulled out a syringe

After they injected Liam they were quick to strap him to a stretcher before loading him up onto the trolley.
"Okay, we are going to take him down to the ambulance now" Hans said as he and Karl began rolling Liam towards the door, and Alice glanced over at Harry.
She said something in German to Karl, before heading over to Harry.
"Sir? Sir?" She asked and Harry just stared at where Liam was. "How long has he been like this for?"
"He's been out of it since he first saw Liam. About ten minutes" Lou said. She was sat next to Harry, stroking his arm.
"Okay. What's his name?" She said as she reached into her bag and pulled out a stethoscope and a blood pressure cuff.
"Okay. Harry? Harry, can you hear me?" Alice said gently as she put the blood pressure cuff around his arm. "His blood pressure is low. He's in emotional shock" She said as she listened to his heartbeat.
After another fifteen or so seconds, Harry's stare broke and he glanced around at us
"Harry, can you hear me?" Alice asked and Harry met her gaze
"Wh. Where am I?" He slurred
"You're backstage with us Harry, me and Lou" I said
"Where's Li, Lium?"
"He's down in the ambulance sweetheart" Lou said
"Is he. Okay?"
"We were able to get his heart going, and gave him some drugs to hopefully reverse the effects of whatever he took. I'm going to walk you down to the ambulance to take you to the hospital once you are ready, okay?" Alice explained
"I feel funny" Harry said
"Your body is in shock. You're going to be okay, but I'm going to bring you to the hospital with Liam so we can keep monitoring you, okay?" Alice said
"Now, your bodyguard and I are going to help you walk, okay? You can tell us to stop if you feel like you're going to faint" Alice said as she and I hooked our arms under Harry's and helped him stand
"You alright lad?" I asked as he closed his eyes
"Yeah, yeah. I'm just, tired"
"Okay. Nice and slow, Harry" Alice said as we walked out the door and down the hallway.
I helped to lift Harry into the ambulance, and once he was settled in they shut the doors and drove off with blue flashing lights.

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