Zayn's News

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Zayn POV
We had just finished our final show of the tour, and I had news that I knew I needed to tell the boys.
I was tired, fed up with our management, and I didn't know how much longer I could take it.
I'd spoken with Lou about it about a month ago, after I passed out while working out - but she promised not to tell anyone.

I'd put it off, and I knew that now was the time.

All the boys met me in my hotel room, and situated themselves on the floor, Louis sprawling himself out on the couch.
"What'd you wanna talk about, Zee?" Niall asked after a few moments
"I um, I have to talk to you guys about a decision that I made a few weeks ago" I began, fidgeting with my hands as I didn't know how they would react.
They all looked at me expectantly, encouraging me to go on.
"So, I guess these past few months have been hard for mentally." I continued "And I think that I just need to stop with all the crazy schedules and stuff. Like, management has led me to do some stupid things, and I know you all know what I'm talking about, and I need it all to stop. I'm going to stop"
"What do you mean, you're going to stop" Louis asked as he pushed himself upright so he was partially sitting up
"I'm going to leave the band. Or, or take a long break at least. I just need to sort myself out before I can focus everything on, you know, this"
"And you didn't think to, I dunno, tell us earlier?" Liam exclaimed as Louis sat fully upright beside him. "Zayn, we are in the middle of an album release, and we're going to start our PR tour next week. You can't just bail on us now"
"You guys gave Louis the option to leave a few months ago. If he left it'd do just the same for the band as if I left" I tried to reason
"Mate, they said I could leave because I have a fucking brain injury, okay? It's not the same thing. Christ, it's not even close to the same thing. Oh and, if you couldn't tell, I didn't fucking leave, alright? So don't bring me into this" Louis snapped
"Louis, I didn't mean it like that man. I just meant...I don't know what I meant but I know you had a good reason to leave but so do I. Do you guys not see it or something? I need to leave, I don't know how much longer I can take this" I tried to convey what I meant but it seemed to be getting nowhere
"We see it Zayn, but we're all in the same boat here, okay? We have a month long break in the new year, and that's only three months away, you have to at least try to stick it out" Harry reasoned
"No, you don't understand, I've been trying to stick it out man. I've been thinking about this for months, honestly. And it's not just the crazy schedules and management, but the music. We aren't making music that I like. It's not music I would listen to, and not a single one of the songs I submitted made it onto the album. I just need to take control of some things in my life, and this is the only way for me to do it. I wanna be a normal twenty-one year old, you know? I don't wanna be stuck in a hotel room for my entire life"
"I'm sorry, at first you were saying that it was management, but now you're saying it's our music and fame? Make up your fucking mind" Louis snarled as he got up from the couch
"Louis, bud, take a breath" Liam said as he reached for him but Louis just walked past him
"Where are you going, Lou?" Niall asked as he turned to face him
"I'm going for a walk. And don't fucking follow me, I don't need a babysitter." Louis said as he opened my hotel room door, leaving and slamming it behind him.
"Guys, I didn't mean for you guys to react this way, I just need you to understand where I'm coming from" I tried
"You can't do this to us, mate. It's not right, we're supposed to stick together, you can't just leave" Liam sighed as he got up
"You're leaving now too?" I asked as he began walking towards the door
"I guess leaving is the theme of the day, huh?" Liam said before he turned around. "I'm going for a run. I'll be back in an hour Niall. You have our room key"
After another moment in silence after Liam left, Harry got up and left too, leaving just me and Niall.
"Well that was a shit show" Niall whispered
"You don't say," I groaned as I pulled at my hair

End of the Day // One Direction SickficWhere stories live. Discover now