Tom sighed as he stood still. Tord was talking to someone in Norwegian. How did everyone even know perfect Norwegian anyway? Tom looked around, though he still couldn't see. He tried to face the direction Tord was but it was like he kept moving. "Hey!" he shouted. Tord and the person stopped talking. "I'm still blind and I would like to see now." he demanded. He heard Tord chuckle then the clicking of a gun. Tom squeezed his eyes shut, thinking Tord was aiming for him. He heard a gunshot but was still alive. Tord sighed and then there was the sound of crunching bones. Tom cringed and tried to face Tord. "You know Tamara, watching you look around helplessly is actually quite entertaining." Tord remarked. Tom sighed and shook his head, wherever he was looking. Tord smiled and placed the device onto Tom. They felt like goggles-no-a virtual reality headset. Except this one was very light-weight. He blinked and looked around again. "Woah that feels weird.." Tom said. He felt as if he were floating, though he was perfectly on the ground. "Why of course it does Tam. It should.." Tord said quietly.
"Tord w-what's going on?"
"You will see. You will not remember but, you will see."
"Wait wha-"
Tom then passed out. Again.Matt paced around his cell. "What'd he tell me?" He thought to himself. He tried to remember what the scientist told him. He had short term memory loss but could usually remember what happened if someone just reminded him. He looked around the cell. The ceiling, the walls, the floor. They were all the same. They were all a worn-down white color. Matt sighed again. "I'm so bored." he sighed. "Selvfølgelig Rød Leder. Han er klar til å se ham." a scientist spoke from down the hall. Matt could hear footsteps getting closer and closer. He looked toward the window and saw Tord, the same scientist from before, and a new person. He was short, that's for sure, and had a swept to the side half shaved hair style. He looked a lot like Tom. Matt gasped. Tom?! What was he doing there? Whatever the reason was, it must've been good. Right?
"Tom!" Matt exclaimed, he smiled and looked at him, "You gotta help me! These lowsy fucks keep on turning the air cold! W-We gotta get Edd and get outta here!" He was then shocked again. He screamed in agony. Panting, he slowly looked up at Tom again. He had his hand on the remote. "T-Tom? Why'd you do that?" Matt asked. Tom smiled sinisterly. He pressed the button again and shocked Matt a second time. Matt cried out and tears formed in the corners of his eyes. "Weak." he heard Tom say. He shocked Matt again. Then again, and again, and again. By this time, Matt could not stand up anymore. His neck was badly bruised, he was laying limp on the floor, and staring at Tom. He let the tears flow as he remembered what the scientist told him. He cried. "B-But why..?" he asked quietly. Tom put a hand on his hip and flipped his hair out of the way. He smiled that same evil smile and responded,
"Alt hagl Rød Hær."Edd looked at his arm. It hurt so much. He sighed and tried to fall asleep. Sleep was the only thing he hasn't been getting. He already had large, dark bags under his eyes. Looking back down at the floor, Edd hung his head. He was tired, so tired he couldn't even keep his eyes open for long. He heard banging on his cell and whipped his head up to see Tom and Tord. Tom looked different though. He was wearing some kind of uniform amd had a headset on. "T-Tom...? Edd called out weakly. Tom smiled sinisterly. "Hello Edd." he greeted. He then held his hand out and Tord handed him a key. Tom opened Edd's cell and gave the key back to Tord. "Wha-What are you doing..?" Edd asked in fear. He could already tell that wasn't the Tom he knew. Tom shrugged and smiled. "I just wanna talk." he replied. Edd shook his head. "No.." he whispered, his bottom lip trembling. Tom blinked. He wore a confused look. "No?" he echoed, "Hm. That's too fucking bad." He then kicked Edd in the stomach. Edd gasped and clutched his stomach, coughing a little. "I mean, don't you wanna talk?" Tom asked, kicking Edd again. Edd cried out and shook his head. Tom rolled his eyes. "The longer you resist, the more kicks you'll fucking get." he said. He proceeded to kick Edd and beat him until Tord put a hand on his shoulder. Tom then stopped and backed away from Edd. He smiled that smile again. "You should've talked." he mumbled. Edd coughed violently and looked up at Tord. " could you...?" he asked, wiping his now bloddy nose. Tord smiled deviously and walked out of the cell with Tom. Tom spit on Edd and walked with Tord. "All hail Red Army. Bitch." he said, before walking off. Edd growled. He stood up and clutched the bars of the cell. He then started to shout after Tom. "FUCK YOU!" he shouted in a rage, "FUCK YOU! I FUCKING HATE YOU!" His screams then slowly turned into cries. He slid down the bars of his cell sat on the floor. He sniffled. "Fuck you Tom..." he whispered under his breath.
He really was waiting for Liam now.Tom stood in front in the middle of Tord's office. He stood straight with his arms folded behind his back. Tord studied at him closely. "Hmm..very good my pet." he said. He lifted Tom's face by his chin and looked at his new eyes. "How well do you like your eyes?" Tord asked. "They're very nice Red Leader." Tom responded.
"Do you know any Norwegian?"
"Ja sir Rød Leder sir."
"What is your mission?"
"World domination. To kill anyone who has wronged you Red Leader sir."
Tord smiled and wiped his eyes. "You are perfect." he whispered. Tom stayed silent. Tord frowned at this. "That certainly is different..." he muttered, rubbing his chin. Tom followed Tord with his eyes but didn't move. "Salute." Tord ordered. Tom saluted and put his arm back behind him. Tord hummed. "You are able to take orders correct?" he asked. Tom nodded. "Yes sir Red Leader sir." he answered. Tord nodded.
"You are obedient."
"Yes sir Red Leader sir."
"You are my assistant."
"Yes sir Red Leader sir."
Tord studied Tom once again. "Do you remember what happened before all of this?" he asked. Tom shook his head. "No sir Red Leader sir." he answered. Tord smiled a bit. He grabbed Tom's arm and dragged him to his desk. He sat down in his chair and sighed. "Do you remember what we used to be?" he asked. Tom shook his head again. "No sir Re-" he was cut off when Tord raised his hand halfway. Tom noticed Tord had a dissapointed expression. "It is Tord when you are not doing “official” work." he stated. Tom's virtual eyes showed a confused face. "I thought everything was official work." he said. Tord shook his head and pat his lap. Tom sat in his lap and looked at him. "Are you sure you do not remember anything?" Tord asked. Tom sighed. "No sir-Tord. Am I supposed to be doing something?" he asked. Tord leaned in and kissed Tom. He pulled away and sighed. "How about now?" he asked. Tom shook his head slowly. "I....I don't remember..." he sighed, he then pulled Tord's overcoat down and kissed him passionately, "But I don't mind it though." he muttered, pulling away. Tord smiled and kissed Tom again.He really was the perfect pet.

ʏᴏᴜ'ʀᴇ ɴᴏᴛ ᴍʏ ғʀɪᴇɴᴅ | ᴀɴ ᴇᴅᴅsᴡᴏʀʟᴅ ғᴀɴғɪᴄᴛɪᴏɴ (ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟᴇᴛᴇᴅ!)
Fanfictionthe fucking robot blew up. • • WARNING: Contains violence, crude language, sexual scenes, torture, depression, suicide, genocide, addiction, and murder. If you know you do not like or are sensitive to any of these topics, then I suggest you don't re...