Sooner or later, Tom found himself sitting on Tord's lap, kissing him sloppily. He didn't understand why he was drawn to his leader. It made no sense to him. He was still a bit confused on why Tord asked him if he remembered anything. Of course he would. Well, he doesn't. That didn't matter to him now. It was like Tord changed him. In a good way. He could feel his heart pounding through his chest. What was that supposed to mean? Tom placed his hands on the back of Tord's head and Tord wrapped his arms around Tom's waist, pulling him in closer. The two pulled away for air and Tom smiled a bit. "So this isn't official buisness?" he asked. Tord shook his head. "No Tamara." he answered. Tom nodded and kissed Tord again. He hummed and moaned slightly.
Suddenly, the door opened and Paul stepped in. "Sir! Sir! It's an emer-oh.." he exclaimed, his voice getting quieter. Tom pulled away and turned his head to look at Paul. He wore a stern, yet confused look on his face. He tilted his head so that it was almost leaning on Tord's shoulder. Tord sighed and buried his face in his hand. "Yes Paul?" he asked. Paul looked around nervously. "I mean, I could come back later if you want me to.." he muttered, awkwardly. Tord shook his head. "No Paul, just tell me." he said. Tom nodded and got up off of Tord's lap. He stood next to his desk and waited for Paul. "Vi fant en hemmelig tunnel! I en av cellene! Vi prøvde å følge den og vi ting det fører til utenfor!" he exclaimed. Tord shot up and slammed his hands on the desk. "HVA!?" he shouted. "Where is it?" Tom asked. "I don't know. The prisoner across from Edward is missing. I am not sure but I believe that they may have used it." Paul responded. Tom huffed. He grabbed one of the guns from Tord's drawers. "That little bitch." he growled through clentched teeth. He walked out of the room in anger. "Tom! Thomas wait!" he called, following after Tom.Tom walked to Edd's prison cell and turned to him. He was sleeping, but Tom didn't seem to care. He pointed the gun up in the air and shot the ceiling, waking Edd up. "Tom-oh." Edd mumbled, rubbing his eyes Tom grabbed Edd by his shirt collar and pulled him up. He stuck the gun to Edd's head. "Where the hell is it?" he growled. "W-Where's what?" Edd asked, stuttering.
"Where is the goddamn tunnel?"
"There is no tunnel!-"
"Do it. I'm not telling you anything!"
Tom hesitated for a second and pushed the gun onto Edd even more. Tord ran in and looked at Tom. He smiled. "Thank you my pet." he said. Tom looked up at Tord. "I was getting answers from him." he explained, standing up. "Yes, but do not worry. I handle these things." Tord said. Tom nodded and backed up. Edd scoffed. "Look at you." he said, glaring at Tom, "You're his little pet-he's treating you like an animal." Tom aimed his gun at Edd's head. "Shut the fuck up!" he demanded. "Now Edd," Tord started, "Is there a tunnel? We could do this the easy way, or the Thomas way." Tom smirked. Edd shook his head. "There is no tunnel." he answered. Tord sighed and pressed a button on his walkie-talkie. "Vi trenger deg her nede i celle 75. Gjør en nøye inspeksjon, vi ser etter et hull i menneskelig størrelse." he spoke. He looked at Tom and nodded. Tom smiled ominously and cracked his knuckles. He gave Edd a kick in the stomach. Edd groaned. "Again," Tord began, "where is the tunnel?" Edd stayed silent and glared back at Tord. "There is none." he lied. Tom kicked his stomach and punched him in the face. "Where is it!" he yelled.
Then there was footsteps.
Soldiers ran down the hall and searched Liam's cell. "Hva vil du at vi skal gjøre med det?" one soldier asked Tord. "Følg den til slutt. Hvis du finner noen mennesker dreper dem, så lapp hullet opp igjen." Tord answered. The soldier nodded and turned to give the orders to the other soldiers. Edd sighed and Tord looked down at him. "We found the tunnel. Do what you want to him kjæledyret mitt." Tord instructed. Tom smiled again and started to beat Edd. "Tom! Thomas it's me! Stop please i-it's Edd!" Edd exclaimed. Tom hesitated for a second. He paused and looked at Edd. He remembered that face. That look. "Ed-" Tom was cut off by Tord. "Kjæledyret mitt, hva gjør du?" he asked. Tom shook his head. He looked at Edd, then back at Tord. He grunted and continued to beat Edd.
Edd sighed. He never thought Tom would do that. Tord did something to him. He was brainwashed. Edd sighed, thinking about how Tom paused. He might remember him. Edd thought about it. "Maybe I can get to him. Maybe I can change him back." he thought to himself. He wiped the blood from his cheek and sighed again. He thought about Liam and everyone he already helped. Poor Liam. "I hope they're okay.." Edd thought. He wished he could help. He was an expert at running. Edd then realized that's what Tom meant. Before he turned into...that. He spent all his time running and hiding, he hasn't been helping or fighting. He missed his old life. Back when they were all friends. Back when he could see Matt. Back when he woke up next to Tom. Smiling, and happy. Edd started to feel guilty as he hung his head. He wiped the blood from his nose as well. He needed to stop being weak. He decided to get out one way or another, whether it was a tunnel, or a fucking window. He was going to get out.
Somehow..Tom sat in Tord's lap once again as Tord praised him. "You did good my pet." Tord said. Tom smiled. "Thank you Red Leader sir." he said, smiling. He then frowned and sighed. Tord blinked. "What is wrong pet?" he asked. Tom huffed. "Is Edd....bad?" Tord looked at him as if he were crazy.
"Of course pet. Why must you ask?"
"H-He said my name and, I-I remembered something..It was like a memory."
"Hm. I wish I did not have to do this. But, you leave me no choice.."
"R-Red Leader? Wha-What are you doing?"
Tord didn't answer. He pulled out a remote from his drawer and pressed a button. Suddenly, a sharp ringing sound went off in Tom's head. His head pounded and started to hurt. Tom screamed as he clutched his head. "W-Why..?" he whispered. Why would Red Leader do something like that? What happened? What did he say? Tord sighed. "Who is your enemy?" he asked. Tom looked up at him. "M-Matt Harper a-a-and..." he trailed off when Edd's name popped up in his mind again. Tord shook his head and pressed the button again. Tom screamed in pain. "EDD! STOP! E-EDD! EDD GOLDEN IS MY ENEMY!" he yelled. His virtual eyes changed from green to blue, turning to a sad expression. Tears flowed from under his headset and down his cheeks. "I-I'm sorry Red Leader.. Edd Golden is my enemy.." Tom said softly. Tord smiled and pet Tom's head. "It is okay now. But if you pull something like that again, expect to have your brains melted." he sneered. Tom nodded. "Now stop crying, that is for the weak." Tord ordered. Tom sniffled and nodded again slowly. He looked up at Tord and Tord sighed. He cupped Tom's face gingerly and wiped his tears. "There." he said, smiling. Tom smiled and kissed Tord. He pulled away and looked down. "Did you really find me?" Tom asked. Tord nodded. "You were in the room when I saw you. You used to be human but they decided to change you." he lied. Tom nodded slowly.
"Can I go back?"
"To normal."
"....I do not know yet Thomas."
"O-Oh okay."
Tord sighed. He felt a bit bad for what he did. But he had to do it. It was his only choice. There was an awkward silence until Tord spoke up. He looked outside his window to see it was dark out. He turned back to Tom. "You know what?" he asked. Tom looked back at him. "Hm?" he hummed.
"You deserve a "reward.""
"A reward?"
"Yes my pet."
Tord smiled and walked over to his door. He locked it and looked at Tom. Tom looked at him confused. Tord walked back over to Tom and kissed him harshly. Tom, shocked and surprised at first, kissed back and wrapped his arms around Tord's neck. Tord licked Tom's bottom lip and Tom opened. They stayed like that for some seconds before Tord pulled away and sat back down on his chair. Tom sat back in his lap and they continued to kiss. "Mmm~" Tom moaned. He moved his body so that he was closer to Tord. They pulled away and Tord attacked Tom's neck, already aware about where his sweet spot was. Tom hummed and moaned quietly. Tord smirked.It was going to be a long night.

ʏᴏᴜ'ʀᴇ ɴᴏᴛ ᴍʏ ғʀɪᴇɴᴅ | ᴀɴ ᴇᴅᴅsᴡᴏʀʟᴅ ғᴀɴғɪᴄᴛɪᴏɴ (ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟᴇᴛᴇᴅ!)
Fanfictionthe fucking robot blew up. • • WARNING: Contains violence, crude language, sexual scenes, torture, depression, suicide, genocide, addiction, and murder. If you know you do not like or are sensitive to any of these topics, then I suggest you don't re...