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It's been two weeks since Tom willingly fed the prisoners. He came almost every night. Tom tried to speak to Edd every night. Again, it sounded like Tom was struggling, as if he were fighting someone off. Edd could tell he was mad because he often grew frangs, horns, claws, and a tail. Sometimes, it was like Tom shut down or rebooted. He would be talking to Edd about escaping or how annoying Tord was, then, he'd just stop. He look toward the other cells, stand up, and walk off. Edd was shocked the first time that happened. He's grown to it now, knowing Tom would come back the next night and continue.
Until he didn't.
Tord and Tom were walking down the prisoner cells one day. Tord liked to visit them, make a mockery of them, or just abuse them. Tom walked with his hands behind his back. He held his head up high and wore a serious expression. His “eyes” were semi circles-cut off at the top-indicating how serious he was. While Tord was walking down the halls, he heard silent shewing. Finding it odd, Tord followed the sound. He was led to a cell where one of the captives was eating. Tord was furious. He banged the bars of the cell and the person turned around. It was a child. He looked about six to seven years old. Tom remembered him. His mother was taken away to serve as one of the experiments. Tom sighed quietly. He didn't want to remember that. The boy was eating one of the hard candies Tom gave him. Tom looked around. He was scared yet, he didn't understand why. "You!" Tord exclaimed. The boy backed up and started to shake. "Why are you eating!? Who gave you this!?" Tord yelled once again. Tom looked at the boy with concern. The boy shook his head. "N-Nobody.." he stuttered. Tord grumbled. "Then why would you have food!? Answer me boy!" he yelled. Tom sighed and looked down. Tears formed in the corners of the boys' eyes. "I-I-I'm sorry.." he cried. Tord pulled out his gun and pointed it to the boy. "Sorry is not good enough." he sneered. "STOP!" Tom screamed. Tord turned to face Tom. "What?" he asked. "Don't do it! I gave him the candy! I did it! Just please don't kill him" Tom screamed. He sobbed and looked at Tord. Tord had a cold expression on his face. "Okay." he mumbled. He then pulled the trigger.
Blood painted the floor and the walls. The little boy's body went limp as the blood dripped from his forhead. Tom looked at Tord in shock. "No..." he whispered. Tord pulled his gun back and into its hollister. He dusted his hands off and walked away. Tom dropped to his knees. Tord turned around and looked at Tom in annoyance. "Kom deg opp!" he demanded. Tom quickly stood up and followed Tord. He kept his head down and didn't glance at any of the prisoners.
Not even Edd.

"Do you understand what you have just done?" Tord asked. Tom shook his head slowly. "No.." He asnwered. His knees trembled as he faced Tord. He didn't like it when Tord was furious. Most of the time it wasn't because of something he did. Which just made it even worse. "You just betrayed your master." Tord spoke, his voice low and menacing, "Do you know what happens to animals who betray their masters?" Tom shook his head once again. "N-No.." he mumbled.
"They get taught a lesson."
Tord slapped Tom in the face. "Why would you do that!?" he exclaimed. Tom wimpered. "I don't-I don't know..It was like someone had told me to do it. I would never betray you Red Leader sir." he answered. Tord sighed. He knew what this was. The headset wasn't working as intended.
"I'm sorry.." Tom wimpered. He wiped his tears, remembering what Tord told him. He sniffled and stood up straight. Tord looked at Tom one more time before nodding. "Do not worry my pet. I am going to need a few more changes though." he said. Tom sighed. "Yes sir Red Leader sir." he answered. Tord leaned down to Tom's level and kissed him softly Pulling away, he glanced at the two blue circles on Tom's headset. He noticed the tear streaks under the device and stood up. He took out his walkie-talkie, pressed a button and started to speak. Tom sighed sadly. For some strange reason, he hoped Edd would be okay.

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