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"Where the fuck is he!?" Tom shouted. A prisoner shook their head rapidly and backed up. "I-I-I-I don't know..." Tom growled. He turned to Edd's cell. "The hell!?" he exclaimed. The old man sat peacefully in his cell, turned to the corner like he usually did. Tom banged on the old man's cell. "Where the fuck is Edd Golden you old bastard!" he shouted. The man turned around slowly. "Dead..." he whispered. Tom gripped the bars. "Speak the fuck up." he demanded. The old man frowned. "Dead.." he repeated. "He refused to eat. Died of hunger some time ago. Eh, the soldiers, took his body to disposal." Tom growled. As he was about to leave, he kicked one of the cells and muttered curses under his breath. Clentching his fists and gritting his teeth.
He stormed all the way down to Tord's office. He slammed the doors open and glared at Tord. "He's dead." he stated. Tord pounded his fist on the desk. "What!?" he exclaimed. Tom sighed. "What about Matt? Where is he?" Tord asked. Tom huffed and crossed his arms. "They declared him dead too." he answered.
"Isn't this what you wanted though?"
"What do you mean?"
"I thought you wanted to kill Edd and Matt."
"I did."
"Oh Thomas."
Tord shook his head and sat down. "That is the thing. I wanted to see their cowardly asses here in my office as they died." he explained. Tom nodded. "They, along with the many others outside cannot just “die” at the same time. There has to be something going on." Tord spoke. "Do you want me to check again?" Tom asked. Tord nodded. "Go outside the base, take Paul and some backup as well." he ordered. "Yes sir Red Leader sir." Tom responded. He sighed and turned around to leave. Tord smirked. "Oh, and Thomas?" he called. Tom turned around. "Yes?" He answered. "You might want to cover that." Tord said, glancing at Tom's neck. Tom put a hand to his neck and blushed. "Y-Yes sir Red Leader sir." he mumbled quietly, walking out of the office.

Edd sighed and stretched. He was still wearing that other guy's uniform. A bit uncomfortable but the jacket made for a good enough blanket. Edd wondered if he was still alive then shook his head. He stood up to see Matt backed up against a tree. "Who are you and what did you do to Edd?!" he exclaimed. Edd yawned and rubbed his eyes. "It's too damn early for this..." he mumbled. Matt grabbed a stick and pointed it at Edd. "Don't make me-oh." Matt lowered the stick when Edd took his sunglasses and hat off. Matt chuckled sheepishly. "Eh, sorry Edd." he apologized. "No worries." Edd said. He sighed and put his hat back on. "See, I told you." Matt said quietly to himself. There was a short pause before he smiled and let out a small laugh. "What was that?" Edd asked. "You mean who was that." Matt giggled. Edd rolled his eyes. Jesus Christ, not again with the damn voices. Matt sighed. "So what now?" he asked. "Well," Edd began, picking up a stick, "we can't go to our old garage because they'll know where we are." Matt blinked. His robotic eye shifted a little. Even having the slightest memory of what Edd was talking about, he stared at him in confusion. "What garage?" he asked. Edd sighed. "We lived there-nevermind. That doesn't matter." he mumbled. Matt hummed.
"You're suggesting that we move somewhere else?"
"Yes. A different part of whatever we can call town."
"The voices say it's not a good idea."
Edd rolled his eyes and set the stick down. "Yeah, well fuck the voices." he replied. Matt shook his head. "They don't like that." he said. Edd hummed and shrugged.
"Deal with it."

Tom groaned in frustration. He never liked unsolved cases. Tom walked with Paul by his side. They searched for Edd and Matt everywhere. Tom sighed and was about to head back when he noticed a particularly skinny man. "Maybe he could be of use.." he thought to himself. Tom turned to Paul. "Ham." he said, looking toward the male who was currently rummaging through garbage cans. Paul nodded and turned to the rest of the soldiers. "Ta ham! Få svar!" he exclaimed. The soldiers saluted and ambushed the man, bringing him to Paul. "Let me go! I can't go back!" the man screamed. Paul nodded and cocked his head to the side. He soldiers took the man to Tom. Tom glared down at him. "So you've been to the Red Army base before?" he asked. The man looked around and strained, tyring to break the soldier's grasp. "Don't waste your time." Tom said, lifting the man's face by his chin, "I only want answers.." The man looked away. "I-I-I'm not telling you anything!" he shouted. Tom growled and punched the man in the face. "Yes the fuck you are!" he yelled, "Where is Edd Golden and Matt Harper!?" The man shivered and stood in silence. Tom's “eyes” turned from green circles, to red semi-circles, pointed down to show he was mad. Tom held his gun to the man's head. "I have other ways of MAKING YOU TALK!" he shouted. The man whimpered. "Okay!" he exclaimed, "I'll tell you.." Tom smiled, which quickly turned into a frown. "Hurry up." he demanded.
The man sighed and told Tom about what Edd did and how he freed everyone. Tom growled. "Did he now?" he asked. The man nodded. "I saw him go into the woods, that's all I know." he said. Tom nodded slowly. "Thanks snitch." he snarled, shooting the man in the head. Tom quickly put his gun back in it's holister and walked to the woods. Paul and the other soldiers following behind.
Edd and Matt journeyed into a deeper part of the woods. Looking around for a good spot to stay. "What do we do when we get there?" Matt asked. "Stay there until we die I guess." Edd answered, shrugging, "I mean, anywhere's better than the base." Matt nodded and tapped his head.
Sooner or layer, Tom and the army got closer. Tom groaned and looked around. "Er du sikker på at du vil fortsette med ekspedisjonen?" Paul asked, walking beside Tom. Tom nodded. "De er der ute et sted. Og jeg stopper ikke før jeg får dem tilbake." he replied. Paul hummed. What if they were dead? They easily could've died in a forest that dark. Tom stopped in his tracks and came to a sudden halt. He raised his hand in the air. "Klar stillingene dine." he ordered. The soldiers cocked their guns and gripped whatever weapon they had. Suddenly a twig snapped. Tom smirked. Some rustling came from the other end and a deer walked across the path. Tom instantly shot the deer in a rage. "Dammit!" he exclaimed. The soldiers put their guns and weapons back down. Tom turned to Paul. "Gå tilbake til basen. Jeg skal alene." he said. Paul looked at him like he was crazy. "Og hvis du ikke kommer tilbake?" he asked. Tom sighed and flipped his hair out of the way. "Hvis jeg ikke kommer tilbake," he started,
"tell Red Leader I love him."
He cocked his gun and walked slowly into the woods, leaving Paul standing there, dumbfounded by what he had just said.

As Tom slowly trudged through the woods, his boots crunched the leaves on the ground. "Oh Edd, you never should've left." he muttered, "Dumbass." Tom could hear footsteps. He turned around and aimed his gun. "Come out now!" he shouted.
Edd paused and held one finger to Matt's lips. He covered his own mouth. He could hear a voice. A very familiar voice. Matt looked at Edd. A worried look in his eyes. Edd didn't like seeing Matt like that. He shook his head. "We're okay." he whispered, "You're not going back alright?" Matt nodded slowly. "C'mon! I know you're here somewhere!" the voice shouted. Matt trembled. He shook his head and Edd nodded. "Be quiet." he whispered. Matt whimpered under his breath. Edd paused. "Move." he ordered, "As quietly as you can. We hide in the bush. I know that voice." Matt nodded and the two-as slowly and as quietly as possible-shuffled into a bush, where they hid. Tom stopped and listened to the rustling leaves. He smirked and headed for that direction. "Come out with your hands up!" he demanded, "This doesn't have to take too long." Edd turned to Matt. "Stay here. I have a plan." he whispered, "We ambush on my mark. Take names. Kick ass." Matt nodded and covered his mouth. As Tom slowly approached the bush, Edd stood up slowly with his hands up. Tom smiled sinisterly. "That's fucking right." he said. Edd slowly walked over to Tom. Tom pressed a button on his walkie-talkie. "Jeg fikk ham." he spoke. Edd looked around and smirked. He put his hands back down to his sides. Tom turned to him. "Get over here!" he shouted. Edd shook his head. "I don't think so." he replied, "How about you get over here?" Tom growled and gripped his gun tighter. "Don't you fucking test me!" he shouted, his “eyes” turning into that same red look from before. Edd snorted. "Temper is really a short thing isn't it?" he teased, "Come on, get over here." Tom put his finger on the trigger. "This is some kind of fucking trap isn't it?" he asked. Edd shook his head. "I promise." he replied. Tom stood still. "A promise, is a promise, is a promise." Edd said.
Tom paused. What significance did that have? Why was that stupid quote so important? His grip on the gun losened and his expression softened. He was still mad but he looked almost worried. Edd smiled. "Come on," he said, "Or do I have to call you like a dog?" Tom gripped the gun again. He slowly started to walk towards Edd. Edd crouched down and put his hands on his lap, patting repeatedly. "Here boy!" he teased, "Come here! Awweee who's a good boy?" Tom growled and continued walking. Edd looked around. "Take. Names. Kick. Ass." he said. Tom glared at him in confusion. All of a sudden, Matt appeared out of the bush and lunged himself at Tom. Tom pulled the trigger and Edd pushed Matt out of the way, taking a blow to his arm. He groaned and held his arm. "I've been waiting so fucking long to do this!" Matt exclaimed. He puched Tom in the face and puched him in the stomach with his other hand. Tom groaned. Edd moved behind Tom. "This..is what..you fucking..get!" Matt shouted through clentched teeth as he continued to beat Tom. Edd grabbed Tom's arms, pulling them behind his back. Tom tried to get back up but Matt, who was much taller than he, pushed him down again. Tom pulled the trigger on his gun once again and shot Edd in the leg. "Gah! Dammit!" he cried. Matt knocked Tom out by banging his metal chin onto his head. Tom then fell to the ground. Edd put a hand on his leg. Edd quickly took his gun and walkie-talkie. "Let's take him back." he said, panting. Matt nodded and slumped Tom's limp body over his shoulder. "Where are we gonna go?" he asked. Edd sighed. "We have no other choice but to the garage." Matt nodded. Edd smiled. "What do we do?" he asked. Matt smirked. "Take names and kick ass." he replied. Edd held out his fist and Matt bumped it. "That's right motherfucker!" he exclaimed in triumph.

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