【The End】

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They were free. They were free to do what they wanted. No more orders, no more cruelty. Finally. Plauged by the horrors of war and what went on inside of the base, most of the soldiers decided to end it. A truly horrific end. Prisoners were now free men, women, and children. They mostly hung around the ruins of their town, rejoicing in the end of the Red Army. They ran around like mad people, flailing their arms in the air and shouting out loud. "We're free! We're free! We're finally free!" with the biggest smiles on their faces. Indeed they were. Scientists and doctors went back to their normal lives. As the government slowly climbed back up, so did Britain itself. Royals were back, new roads were built, and former prisoners were aided to and taken care of. Things were finally looking up.

The year is 2033.

Nobody knows what happened to the Red Leader. Nobody knows where he went or where he was. It was all a mystery. He just disappeared after the last five years. Meanwhile, Everyone was starting getting back up on their feet. Cities were being rebuilt, citizens were just fine. But there would always be stain. That distant memory floating in the back of people's minds. What happened to most of them back at the base. Most people decided to move on or forget. But for others, it wasn't as easy.
Those memories haunted Mathew Aaron Harper the most. He couldn't forget. He wanted to forget. He couldn't keep thinking about it. All day, all night. Edd tried to help him. He scheduled him a weekly therapy class and talked to him regularly. He got the three a new-new apartment. Or so he called it. He decided it would be best for them to move on and leave their toubles in the past. They moved their things back in and tried to call it home.
Matt finally started to listen to Edd. He listened to his therapist and he listened to himself. For the first time in a long one, Matt felt okay. He decided that he was ready for change and for anything new to come his way. He wanted to be like his old self. Even if he was stuck with a robotic eye and a metal chin. Edd found a way to make things better for the three. He was always so good at that. He was the best at moving on and forgetting. Matt learned from him. But Tom couldn't help but feel guilty. Especially with what he put everyone through. It was creeping in the back of his mind for way too long. He couldn't remember his past or where he came from. Only recent events that had happened. People gave him dirty looks and disapproving glares whenever he went out. He decided that he'd never go out unless it was important. Over all, he just felt horrible. He was only following orders. Edd told Tom about what happened and how Tord brainwashed him. "You're not a soldier Thomas." he would say, "You're like us. Unfortunetly, you were lied to." Tom didn't like hearing this. But he had to. Right? Wasn't he supposed to not feel anything? Wasn't he supposed to be strong, and fearless? He felt like he failed as a person. He didn't like himself as much as the next guy. The new environment made it even worse. He didn't know how to cope, nor did he know how to express his feelings. Throughout his time at the base, Tom kept everything-but his deep lust for Tord-to himself. He grew anxious, and paranoid. Always holding onto a strong premonition, about the smallest things. How could people just up and get out like that? How could people just change? Tom felt like he was the only person in the world with a problem. He often isolated himself. He felt a lot like Matt did. Lonely, depressed if you will. He didn't talk for a long time. He often tried to hurt himself. He did it when he was alone of course. He usually cut and/or bruised himself. He told himself that it was the right thing to do. To make up for the pain and suffering he's caused to other people. One day, Matt found out about Tom's condition and told Edd right away. Tom denied everything Edd asked him and told him he was fine and that he didn't need to worry. Edd obviously saw through his lies and eventually got him help as well. Tom's process wasn't as quick as Matt's was.
At the end of the day, Tom felt a bit better. He no longer hurt himself and tried to talk to other people. He threw away his headset and decided to live the rest of his life blind. Besides, he's seen other people pull it off. He was sure he could handle it.
With the help of Tom, Edd finally explained to Matt how he felt. He told him about what happened back in the garage and about everytime he thought about him back in 2027. Matt was of course flattered by Edd's statements and admitted his small crush. Edd was over the moon happy about this and no too long after, the two started dating. Although Tom was happy for them, he couldn't help but think about Tord. Speaking of, where was he? He couldn't just disappear like that.


Tord watched from afar. He thought he didn't deserve to be amongst the rest of the civilization. He ruined them. He was the bad guy and he knew it. Tord never regret his decision of letting everyone go. It made him feel warm inside. He refered to himself as “Gliset” or, “The Grinch.” He felt his heart grow three sizes that day. He stayed in his abandoned base, watching as the old building collected dust.
One fateful day, Tord took a leisurely stroll around the base. He was slow, and careful. He had all the time in the world. He smiled softly to himself as he whistled the tune of “I Don't Want To Set The World On Fire.” He looked around the place one last time before heading back to his old office. He sat in his office chair and opened his drawer. He pulled out all of the photographs he had of Edd, Matt, Tom, and himself, laying them out on his desk. He smiled as a tear rolled down his cheek. He turned to each one individually, starting with Matt. He recalled the memories and adventures. He used to tease Matt about being a ginger. Matt didn't seem to care. Nor did he fully understand what Tord mean half of the time. Tord chuckled lightly at this. He sniffled and turned to the picture of Tom and himself. Oh Thomas. What could he say? He didn't deserve what he put him through. Tom didn't do anything wrong. Tord sighed sadly. He was too attached to him. So much so that he became obsessed. He realized that now. Tord then turned to the picture of Edd. He was so bright and cheerful. He always had the widest smile. Tord remembered when Edd helped him on his firsty day of school in Britain. Edd never gave up on him. Tord knew Edd saw something in him. He never fully understood it. Edd refused to accept Tord's behaviour. Tord regret his decision. Edd was always the best one out of all four of them.
Tord then sniffled sadly, letting out a deep sigh. "Denne er til deg..," he whispered, "Edd, Matt, and Tom.." He opened one of the bottom drawers and pulled out a gun. Fully loaded. It used to be his backup. Now it was going to be used for something greater. Tord believed that every good villian needed a good ending. Tord wanted one surrounded by his friends. He looked at the photographs one last time before bringing the weapon up to his head. He sighed sadly as he gripped the trigger. "I've lost all ambition for worldly acclaim.." he whispered to himself, "I just want to be the one you love.. And with your admission that you feel the same. I'll have reached the goal I'm dreaming of. Believe me. I don't want to set the world on fire.. I just want to start a flame in your heart.." Tord squeezed his eyes shut and all of a sudden,

he was gone.

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