The next morning Tom woke up in a room. The walls were red and so were the bed covers. Where was his room? Was that his room? To be honest, he didn't even know if he had a room. He looked around and sighed. His ass hurt for some reason. He wondered what happened. He then turned to his right to see Tord. "Oh.." he mumbled under his breath. Tord smiled upon seeing him. "Well." he mumbled, yawning. "Do I have to go to official buisness now?" Tom asked. For some reason, he wanted to lie there. That was all. Tord nodded. "Yes." he answered. Tom sighed. "Yes sir Red Leader sir." he muttered. Tord pat Tom's shoulder and Tom stood up. He looked to the floor to his his uniform-comeplete with some boxers and a binder. He hummed, picking up the binder. He studied it closely. Confused, he turned to Tord. "What's this?" he asked. Tord hummed and turned to Tom. He let out a small chuckle. "That is your binder." he explained. Tom raised a brow. "Binder?" he echoed. Tord nodded.
"You use it to hide"-he pointed to Tom's chest-"that."
"I do?"
"Why do I want to hide it?"
"You...You do not want people to see."
Without asking questions, Tom put his binder on. Tord sighed. Tom looked up at him in concern. "Red Leader?" he called. Tord blinked and turned to Tom. "Yes?" he asked.
"Are you okay?"
"..Yes. Of course Tamara."
Tom nodded. He changed into his uniform and waited for Tord. Tord nodded once he noticed Tom was finished. The two walked out of the room and immidiently, any soldier walking by saluted. "Red Leader sir!" they exclaimed, upon seeing Tord. Tord smiled and headed to his office, Tom following behind. Tord sat down in his chair and took out a pack of cigarettes. He pulled one from the box and lit it, placing the cancer stick between his two fingers. Tom frowned slightly. He didn't understand why he hated it when Tord smoked. Wasn't Red Leader allowed to do what he wanted? Tom shook the thoughts out of his head. "Red Leader, they say the ginger is putting up a fight again." he said. Tord sighed. "Go and see what is happening. If he fights, fight back." he instructed. Tom nodded and walked out the door.
Tord sighed again and took another drag. He opened the windows and sat back down. He held his head and started scanning the profiles he had on his desk.Two months later, things started to change.
Edd grew more hopeless, Matt was almost insane, and Tom..
Tom was different.
He was more serious and understood what Tord meant. He was powered by fights, by conflict. He got angry easily and liked to take his anger out on people.
So maybe he hasn't changed that much.
Edd sat in his cell, still remorsing the death of Liam. It was said he was trying to help some families escape and got captured. He and the families were shot, and killed on sight. It was brutal and gory. Worst of all, Edd watched. Severed limbs were everywhere and blood painted the walls. Edd could see Liam's face. He wasn't scared. He wasn't frightened. Instead, he protected the people. Edd thought of him as a real hero.
They got his chains off too. He sat in the middle of his cold, dark cell. He had large bags under his eyes. At some point he even considered vanishing. He thought about Matt and how he would probably be needing his help right now. He never wanted to give up. Sure he would get distracted easily and forget what he was saying most of the time, but other than that, he was a real trooper. Edd sighed. He didn't want to talk to any of the other inmates in fear he would get them hurt too. He stood up and walked to the darkest corner of his cell. Balling up, he didn't say anything, letting the tears flow down his cheeks. Maybe he's reached his end. Maybe he's finally done for. Maybe it was his time. He hasn't eaten or drank anything in the past-he forgot how many days it was, it didn't matter. Guards came in regularly to feed them. Edd would refuse to eat each time. All he could do was sigh sadly and hope for death.Matt on the other hand, sat in the same position as Edd, rocking back and fourth. He smiled to himself as he chatted to the people in his head. "They're nice." he would say, "They actually talk to me and don't treat me like shit."
Matt giggled and let out a long sigh. He thought they were funny-no-he thought they were real. Thinking they were Edd or Tom. One was friendly, just like Edd and one was sassy like Tom. Matt liked having them around and when they weren't, he'd have a nervous mental breakdown. But of course thanks to his short term memory, he'd forget all about them most of the time and just talk to himself.
"Do you like Pepsi?"™ one of the voices asked, "I like Pepsi."™ "Nobody gives a fuck about your Pepsi."™ another voice spoke. Matt laughed to himself. He then started to cry. Sobbing violently. He missed his friend. Edd was his only friend now. Tom was a traitor and Matt had his whole vision focused on that. He hated Tom. Absolutely hated him. Everytime he'd pass by, Matt would start yelling at him or cursing his name. He'd flip him off and bring things up from his past he knew he didn't like hearing. Matt always congratualted himself on this. He was convinced he was doing the right thing. Or at least the voices said he was.
Matt started panting and looking around his cell. He clutched his hair and panicked. The voices. They were gone. Matt cried and balled up even more, starting to shake violently. One of the scientists, clearly annoyed by Matt's behavior, shocked him. Matt screamed in pain. He was honestly surprised he wasn't dead by now. "Why won't my misery end..?" he whispered to himself.Tom stood by Tord. All day. Everyday.
He would protect him whenever something went wrong. Or stay with him when he needed it. He grew to learn things. Like, the difference between “official buisness” and when Tord just is himself. Or how sometimes there is a time and a place to be mad. He liked it when Tord called him “kjæledyret mitt” or, “my pet.” It made him feel special. He grew to understand Tord, studied him better. He knew almost everything he disliked and liked. From work, to the bed. He never questioned Tord's smoking habits or why he was like that. Tom just learned to live with it. He didn't mind when Tord called him Tamara or Tam. He was fine with it now, just letting Tord do what he wanted.
One night, Tom woke up with a sudden jolt. He felt as if he needed to go to where the prisoners were. For a reason he didn't quite understand, Tom left the room and went to go get some food and water. He didn't exactly want to do it either. It was like someone or something was fighting him, telling him to do it.
After Tom grabbed the food and water, he headed down to the cells. He walked all the way down to one particular cell. He soon started to remember. It was that mother and her daughter from some time ago. He gasped slightly and softly knocked on the bars of the cell, waking the daughter up. She looked scared to see Tom and shook her mother awake. Her mother woke up and saw Tom. She had the same scared look on her face and grabbed her kid, pulling her behind herself. Tom sighed. He felt bad? That was weird. Red Leader told him everyone who was in cages was because they were bad people, theives, robbers, gangs, all in all, the unfortunate few who needed to be punished for their crimes. Tom crouched down and placed the water bottle on the ground. He slowly pushed it between the bars, sliding it to the mother and her child. He took the food and reached out his hand, giving the little girl a chocolate bar. The child smiled but her mom didn't look convinced. Tom sighed and unwrapped the chocolate. He took a peice off and bit it. Showing how it wasn't a trick. Should it have been a trick? Shouldn't he have poisoned the mother and her child? The mother's stern expression softened as she turned to her daughter. She nodded slowly and her daughter quickly crawled over to Tom and took the chocolate. She bit it hungrily and smiled. The mother grabbed the bottled water and started to drink it. She smiled at Tom and Tom smiled back. "Thank you.." She whispered. Tom nodded and stood up, walking away.
Edd gasped quietly. He watched as Tom walked off. He helped them. Edd was almost amazed. He smiled to himself and watched as the small family ate. Soon, he heard footsteps again. He pretended to be asleep and saw the family hide their food. They sighed in relief when they saw it was just Tom again. This time, he had more food. He was giving it out to all the prisoners. Edd smiled. When Tom got to Edd's cell he stopped. He stared down at Edd. He looked almost confused, well, Edd couldn't really tell thanks to his virtual, green circles. Edd looked back up at Tom. Tom crouched down and sighed. He handed him some food before straining. "Edd.." he whispered. Edd took the food and pat Tom. "Edd..I-I..there's something.." Tom spoke through painful groans. He held his head and strained. "I" Edd gasped slightly. "Tom? C'mon what is it? What's going on?" he whispered. Tom groaned in pain again. " I'm..gonna....get you...and everyone..out..of here..." he explained, "I....I lov-" he stopped himself shortly. Edd smiled. He knew what Tom meant. He was greatful as well. Tom sighed and let go of his hair. He looked at Edd and smiled slightly. He stood up and kept walking, handing out food to everyone else.
Though Edd couldn't understand it, he knew Tom was in there somewhere. It looked as if he were fighting off something. He needed to know what. Edd thought about what it could be while chewing. He sighed. Tom eventually emerged from the end of the hall and stopped at Edd's cell once again. He looked at Edd and smiled. Edd smiled back. Tom then turned and walked away. He believed Tom was going to get him out of there.And he wasn't going to let him do it alone.

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Fanfictionthe fucking robot blew up. • • WARNING: Contains violence, crude language, sexual scenes, torture, depression, suicide, genocide, addiction, and murder. If you know you do not like or are sensitive to any of these topics, then I suggest you don't re...