Remember How This All Started? 2.0

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Author's note: Hi I don't think many people will even see this but if you do see this and if you would like more I already have some ideas... P.S Mazzi is 13 in this and ami is 11. "P.P.S if you haven't seen the Netflix show this story won't make sense..

Moz, Cocoa, Jade, Shaka, Mazzi, and Ami all get out of the car and they see one of M,dear's neighbors kids watering plants.
(Remember her..) "Mmm.. I could smell M'dear's cooking from the airport." Said Moz  "it smells like 10 extra pounds" said Cocoa "You don't have to eat it." "Oh try and stop me." Then everyone hears a big sigh from Jade. "I know I'm doing a great job at covering but I do NOT want to to be here."  "We know!" Says everyone. Then right when they're on the porch the front door flies open and  M'dear and Jeb come walking out. And the first thing that M'dear does is yell "my baby is home!" Opening her arms going in for a hug and gives Moz a BIG hug.

Fast forward a couple of hours it's dinner time. "I invited one of the neighborhood kids over for dinner so that the kids would have some to play with." Said M'dear.  "Really?" Said Jade. "How old are they?"  "I think think she might be 13 or 14." Said Jeb .  "Ok" said Jade.  A couple minutes go by and then they hear a knock on the door. "I'll get the door" said Moz.

Btw this is NOT my art

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Btw this is NOT my art .
This is what she looked like:

The new gal

After Moz opened up the door he signaled her to come inside. And then she goes to sit down. "This is Mazzi, Shaka, Ami, and Jade." Said M'dear . "Kids this is Arianna." "Hi" said Arianna. She sits down next to Jade. "Oh wow Arianna your pretty you got a boyfriend?" Said Jade . After that everyone's head turned to look at Arianna . "Well sorry to disappoint but no I do not." Said Arianna. And among everyone sitting at the table you can briefly hear someone sigh of relief...

Another Author's note: hi thanks so much for reading this first chapter and if you would like me to keep going please tell me in the comments.

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