Remember The First Day Of School? 2.0

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Early authors note: WOW thank you all so much for just looking at my story 350 people have seen my story and read it! Sure it's not as many people as some of the bigger stories but I'm really glad that people took the time to read my story.

(Nobody's P.O.V)

All the kids were ready and downstairs eating."Jade hurry up you don't wanna be late for the first day of school!" Yelled Moz. Then Shaka, Mazzi, and Ami went upstairs to go brush their teeth. Then Jade comes downstairs and she was holding 2 different outfits on hangers. " I thought last night, we decided on the denim romper." Said Cocoa " oh it was too cute. I'm the new girl, so I'm already going to stand out. I don't wanna look thirsty." Said Jade while drinking milk straight from the jug. " I see you don't have any problem looking triflin'. Said M'dear while doing a light chuckle. After that Jade wanted everyone's opinion on the outfits. "Well Jade you will look good in anything. I remember when I was tiny like you only I was known as Big Booty Judy!" Said M'dear "Why Judy?" Asked Moz. "Because Big Booty Amelia doesn't rhyme!" Said M'dear while shaking her butt (VIOLENTLY). Not knowing Mazzi was behind her. "WOAH a an a brother get a warning? You almost put my eye out with that thing!" After a couple of minutes everyone heads to school

(Shaka's P.O.V)

I was putting my stuff away when I saw a backpack that looked exactly like mine. Then I asked everyone around me if this backpack was theirs and they all said no.  So I just had to look in the backpack to see if there was any name inside the backpack. So I could find out who it belong to so I could give it back to them. And the name I saw was Brooke greens. Then I heard someone say hey Brooke then I immediately looked back to see who they were talking to. And once I saw her I fell in love...

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