Remember Grace Under Fire? 2.0 (part 2)

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After Arianna and Grace met they became besties like instantly. They had so much in common. A friendship blossomed from the start. "Anyway we better go get ready for the movies." Said Jade. "Okay you two go have fun" said Grace in a pink dress. As they both go run up stairs. "Ooh Grace you look lovely!" Said M'dear while coming into the room. "Aww thanks M'dear your just saying that cause I look like you." Said Grace as they both chuckle. "Hey Gracie are ya going to the woman's rival? And guess who's a woman?"Said Moz while obviously looking at Cocoa. "Moz I don't want to go with her she's so boring." Cocoa said whispering. "WHAT YOU SAY ABOUT MY GRACE?" Said M'dear in a stern tone. "Uh I said I'm not ready and I don't want to hold her up." Said Cocoa. Then Moz gave Cocoa a quick makeover. After that she was out in flash..

(Jade and Arianna's P.O.V)

"Are you ready to go to the movies?" Said Jade "yeah I think so. But are you ready to see your crush?" Said Arianna and Jade blushed hard she looked like a tomato. And then they were off the movies.  Once they got in they saw Makayla wearing a black shirt with a picture of Huey Newton on the front. "Ooh Wakanda forever" said Jade while looking at the shirt. " but I don't remember that guy from the movie" Jade said in a confused tone. "What?!" How do you not know who he is?" Said Makayla Angrily. "Calm down guys Jade's not from here. He's Huey Newton  leader of the black panther party. They were a political group in the 60s and promoted for black pride and fought against police brutality." Said Arianna. "Someone set an alarm because this sister ends to wake up!" Said Makayla. " I'm woke I'm wide awoke" said Jade. "Then learn your history little one, because clearly no one's teaching it to you." Said Makayla. Then her whole gang walked away. "I feel like I just got dragged by black Twitter." Jade said with a sigh. "Don't worry Makayla's always extra." Said Arianna. "Now let's go see that movie!" Said Arianna. "But first... snacks!" Said Jade as they both laughed. And while they were waiting for their snacks they saw Drew! "Oh! Go talk to yo mans!" Said Arianna. While pushing Jade closer to Drew...

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