Remember Grace under fire? 2.0

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(Nobody's P.O.V)

"OoH! Auntie Grace just texted and said she'll be here in a minute!" Said Jade. Then Jeb comes in the room holding a pastoral robe. "I can't wait to give this to Grace when she gets here." Said Jeb. "Ooh that looks lovely! Grace can wear when she graduates from seminary." Said M'dear. "I thought I was your favorite." Said Moz. " is that why whenever the cameras on your face you always say hi mom". Said Jeb. " proverbs 14 don't hate the playa" said M'dear. As they all laughed. Then Grace comes in saying "praise the lord I made it!" Then everyone goes to give her a hug but she goes straight to Jeb to hug him. Then she goes to hug M'dear. After that she finally goes to greet Moz by punching him lightly on the chest saying "what's up?". "I want you to try this on" said Jeb while picking up the robe. As Grace has a shocking look on her face. As Jeb puts the robe on her "ooooh work it Auntie Grace!" Said Jade. "It's beautiful Daddy god willing I can live up to your high standards." Said Grace. "Well if any of my children can YOU can Grace" Said Jeb. "We get it. You love her the most." Said Moz. "Wait so the Mamas Boy is jealous of the Daddy's girl? What a fun family dynamic I married into." Said Cocoa. "Ooh! M'dear can Arianna spend the night?" Said Jade"Alright fine as long as do you do all of your chores." Said M'dear. After that Shaka comes in the kitchen with his head stuck in his game. Then he bumps into M'dear. "Oops sorry." Said Shaka "Honey get your head out of that game." Said Cocoa. "And say hi to your Aunt Grace." Said M'dear. "Uh, hi, Aunt Grace." Said Shaka . "Hi Shaka" said Grace while doing a light chuckle.

(3 hours later)

In comes Arianna holding her bag with clothes. "Hey guys!" Said Arianna. Then Jade comes running down the stairs. "Hey Ari!" Said Jade in an excited tone. "Also I got us some movie theater tickets!" Said Arianna. "Wow that's so great what time are we going?" Said Jade. "The movie starts at 7 and ends at 10. Also Renee said that Drew was going to be there!!" Said Arianna. "Really?!" Said Jade . Then they both started squealing and jumping. Then Grace came in with a "what the heck is going on" look on her face. "Hey Aunt Grace this is my friend Arianna. And Ari this is my Aunt Grace." Said Jade. And when they both saw each other Jade knew that they would be friends instantly...

Authors note : sorry if this chapter was a little short the last chapter was pretty long and my hands were kinda tired after all the typing. Hope you liked this chapter and let me know what your thoughts on this chapter were! Author out ✍️ 💖

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