Remember How This All Started 2.0 (part 2)

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(After dinner)

"Arianna your dad called and said you could sleepover if you want to." Said M'dear "ok!". "Oh wait Arianna you can sleep in my room!" Said Jade "uh are sure?" "Yeah!". "Ok let me go get some clothes from my house!" Said Arianna. Then she went to the door and left.

"Wow Jade you really seem to like Arianna" said Cocoa " yeah she's nice" said Jade. "Maybe when she sleeps over she can tell me more about her volleyball team." Said Jade "wait she plays volleyball?" Says Mazzi "Yeah she does and she said they're really close to getting into the finale." Said Jade. And then Arianna comes back in the door with a bag of clothes. "Wow that was quick" says Ami "Yeah my parents are divorced and every week I go to my mom's house and then I go to my dads so I know how to pack a bag quickly" said Arianna. "Oh speaking of which how is your mama?" Says Jeb. "Oh she's good she met this new guy." Said Arianna. "Really that's nice do you like him?" "Kinda I just want my mom to be happy." Said Arianna. "That's nice of you." Said M'dear. "Anyway you ready to go upstairs Arianna?" Said Jade. "Yeah let's go." Said Arianna. Then they both go upstairs.

(Shaka & Mazzi's P.O.V)

(An hour later. About 7:00)

"So Mazzi what you think about Jade's new BFF?" "Uhm she's cool I guess." "OoooooO do you like her?" Said Shaka.
"Uhhhhhhhhhhh no." Says Mazzi. "Oh come on Mazzi we all KNOW that it was you who let out that sigh of relief  at the dinner table." Said Shaka  "Fine! I might have a little crush..". Said Mazzi. "I knew it!" Said Shaka. "But you can't tell anyone ok?" "whatever Mazzi." Said Shaka.

(Nobody's P.O.V)
(In the morning)

Arianna thinks that she wakes up first. And then she looks around and sees Jade still asleep. And after 2 minutes she hears something in the house the next thing you know there's an aggressive knock on the door. And then the door fLeW open. "JADE GET READY THE REUNION IS IN 2 HOURS!!!!!!" Yelled Shaka. Then Jade shoots up out of her bed looking really jumpy. "SHUT UP!" Said Jade. Then Mazzi pokes his head in the door. " Rise and shine Jade! Oh hey Arianna." Said Mazzi. "Hey Mazzi" said Arianna. "I should probably go get ready." Said Arianna. "Wait you're coming too?" Said Jade "yeah I'm friend of your family so I guess I got an invite." After that it was a race against time to get ready and then show up to the reunion on time.

Authors note: wow this was quite a long chapter. But I hope everyone liked it and if you did comment about your favorite part!

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