Remember Mazzi's First love? 2.0 (part 2)

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(Arianna's P.O.V )

After we won I started to limp off the court then I got a text from Jade asking if I was okay but I didn't really I just told her I think I'm ok. And then I go to speak to the team doctor. And she said that a I sprained my ankle! And it would heal in 2 weeks! Which meant I wouldn't be able to play in the finale! I was FURIOUS and so sad! I felt like crying. But then I realized I could just wrap my ankle then I would be able to play! So then I went to go tell Jade! And you wanna know what she said? She said "my dad said you should give your body a break." And I told her I would think about it. And so I decided to take Mose's advice I didn't like it but it was the right thing to do.

(1 week later)

(Nobody's P.O.V)

Mazzi and Miss Karen were just finishing up their lesson when Daniel came over and saw Miss Karen and started flirting with her and Mazzi wasn't happy. And the next day when Miss Karen was just leaving talking to Mazzi saying "Mazzi you are so far ahead for your age group" " that doesn't mean you'll stop coming does it?" Said Mazzi in a worried tone. And Miss Karen was about to speak but Daniel decided this would be the best time to ask Miss Karen out. "Do you mind if I take you out to dinner?" Said Daniel But before Miss Karen could answer in comes Arianna holding a volleyball trophy. "Guys look what my teammates gave me!" Said Arianna. " wow they let you have the trophy?" Said Jade. "Yeah they said if it wasn't for me doing the dive at the end of the game we would've lost so they gave it to me!" Said Arianna. "Wow! That's great!" Said Jade. "Anyway where was I?" Said Daniel "you were asking me out." Said Miss Karen. "Oh right will you like to go to lunch with me?" Said Daniel. "We might need to do a rain check." Said Miss Karen. "According to M'dear those are the only checks he doesn't bounce." Said Mazzi. "My nephew got jokes" said Daniel while putting his hand on Mazzi's face and pushing him away. "Get my number from Mazzi, we'll talk.." said Miss Karen. Then she left with Mazzi  closing the door behind her. And Mazzi turned around pushed Daniel to the ground and then body slammed him! Jade and Arianna immediately stoped talking and Arianna went to go pull Mazzi away from Daniel and Jade went to go protect Daniel.

After Mazzi calmed down Arianna and Daniel let Jade and Mazzi have a little sibling chat. "Mazzi" said Jade "You can't be with Miss Karen." "Why not? She's pretty she's smart she's talented she-" "three times your age" said Jade finishing Mazzi's sentence. "Two three? Who's counting?" Said Mazzi. " a judge" replied Jade. "Mazzi what do expect? You think she'll wait for you to finish school? Or go to college?" Said Jade. "But I love her..." said Mazzi. "Mazzi when you get older you're going to meet lots of great women. And they'll be crazy about you, because you're going to be an exceptional man you're already an exceptional brother." Said Jade. "And an exceptional nephew." Said Daniel. "My bad sorry for stepping on your toes. I'll break off our date." "Nah you don't have to." Said Mazzi. "But I will."

Authors note: WOW sorry if there are some spelling mistakes I was REALLY tired making this chapter. There are 592 words in this chapter. Not including the authors note. Hope you liked this chapter and tell me what your favorite part is. author out  ✍️ 💖

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