Remember Grace Under Fire 2.0 (part 3)

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(Nobody's P.O.V)

After the movie Jade and Arianna came home and gave each other medi-pedis and watched some movies and went upstairs to go play truth or dare. And Mazzi and Shaka were playing video games.

(Cocoa and Grace's P.O.V)

They went to Pretty Boys instead of the woman's rival. Then this random lady comes up to Grace "wha-? Amazing Grace?" Said the lady. "Oh Hey Channel!" Said Grace "thanks to her I met my husband. We're celebrating 3 years tonight!" "Oh what a blessing!" Said Grace. And after a couple minutes of chatting they said goodbye. "So what was that all about?" Said Cocoa. "Oh it was nothing." Said Grace while sitting back down. "Girl, I've been married to a professional NFL player for over 10 years I know a fan when I see one." Said Cocoa "ok I'm going to tell you something that you can't tell anyone not even Moz." Said Grace with Cocoa nodding in agreement. " i'm a matchmaker for singles looking for a spiritual connection." "Oh it sounds like a Christian tinder." "Noo they swipe right I swipe up!" "Well I think that's great. But how do you balance it with seminary?" Said Cocoa curiously. " I dropped out a year ago when my business took off." Said Grace. "Why haven't you told your parents?" Said Cocoa. " because Coco they said when I was 16 I was gonna take over the church and they refused to hear anything else!" Said Grace. And after that Cocoa was just relieved that they didn't have to go the rival.

(Nobody's P.O.V)

After Grace and Cocoa got back they got caught for not going to the rival Jeb and M'dear were very disappointed. Then out of the blue "FIRE! FIRE!" yelled Mazzi "THE KITCHEN IS ON FIRE!!!!!!!!!!" Then they called the fire department. "I can't believe my kitchen is gone.." said M'dear in a sad tone. "What were you cooking?" Asked Moz. "Nothing! This is god punishing you to heathens for ditching him to shake your groove thing!" Yelled M'dear. "Oh please even I know thats not how it works! Clearly this was I human error!" Said Cocoa. "Were any of you kids in the kitchen?" Said Moz. "I was in Jade's room" Said Arianna. "And I was in the bathroom." Said Jade. "I was in my room." Said Shaka. "Me too" said Ami. "I came down to get some grape juice and that's when I saw the fire." Said Mazzi. "Well I know somebody did it! That stove didn't just spontaneously combust. Now I don't like being lied to. So until 1 of you fesses up you're all grounded!" No TV no WiFi no nothing! Now go to bed!" Yelled Moz. And after that Arianna went home.

(The next day)

"You see why didn't tell them?" Said Grace in a worried tone. "Yes and I completely understand why you haven't told them you dropped out of seminary" said Cocoa without realizing Jeb was behind them. "What!?". After that Grace had to M'dear and Jeb that she wanted to make her own path. But sadly they did not approve. And the kids decided to investigate the fire. And they founded out it was Shaka and he confessed and he got a whooping. And M'dear decided that Grace needed to live her own life. And Jeb decided that Grace might not follow his path but he knows that he loves her a lot...

Authors note:WOW a this chapter is pretty long but that's only because I didn't want to make another part to this but remember to love your family! And don't get used to having long chapters! But hope you liked this chapter and if you did tell me your favorite part!

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