Remember Mazzi's first love? 2.0

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(Early Authors note: for those of you volleyball players just know I know NOTHING about volleyball so sorry 😅)

Me and Miss Karen are PERFECT for each other. Thought Mazzi " You are so crushing on Miss Karen." Said Jade.  "I am so not!" Said Mazzi. "Stop trying to deny it ok? We all know."  "Fine you right...but you can't tell anyone ok?" "Whatever"

(20 minutes later)

Everyone was relaxing and all of a sudden Jade's phone made a ding! "Ooh it's from Arianna!" Said Jade.

(This clip was made from TextingStory)

"So what did Arianna text you for?" Said Cocoa "she was telling me that her volleyball game was going to be on Tv!" Said Jade. "Wow that's great!" Said Cocoa. "Is she nervous?" Said M'dear. " yeah she was but I gave her a little pep talk" Said Jade. "That was nice of you" Said Moz. "Also the tournament would be on channel 5." Said Jade . "Wow you seem really interested if she wins. Said Cocoa. "Yeah she's my friend" Said Jade. "It's good that your making friends before the school year." Said Cocoa.  "But anyway we have to hurry her game starts in 5 minutes." Said Jade.

(At the near end of the game)

It was a tie and all they needed to do was get one more point and then they would win. Then the opposite team did a jump serve and it went over the net and past all the players . Then Arianna ran to the back and did a dive. And the floor made a huge crack. But she did it in oder to save the ball. Then another teammate got the ball and made a pike over the net. And then they won!   "Omg is she okay?" Said Jade  "what do you think?" Said Moz Sarcastically. "I don't know! She might've cracked her ribs!" Said Jade . "But I'll text her"

( 2 minutes later)

"Ok she says she does know if she's okay and she'll be going to the doctor today." Said Jade. "Alright tell her we hope she's okay" said Cocoa. " okay" said Jade.

Authors note (again) thank you all so much for your love and support! I really do appreciate it and I hope you liked this chapter even in it's a little short but tell me what your favorite part is!

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