- Chapter 3 -

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For weeks Ella Rae taught Curly Shepard his math, uneven becoming pretty decent friends. She helped him almost every day after school, but not once had he ever let her near his house or his friends. He thought it would be too much for her. Despite their closeness, she was still very shy and that amused Curly to no end, teasing her eyes day about it.

Curly Shepard's Point of View

"See? You were right next to me," Ella Rae points out in the photo of her 7th birthday party. "I told you we knew each other Curly." For weeks she had been digging around for this photo to prove I knew her. I was sure I did, but I messed with her anyway. 

I liked seeing her smile and laugh every time I claimed not to know her. Feeling her weak punches on my arms made me get all warm inside and hearing her laugh was like a perfect harmony. If I was lucky she would grab my shoulder or my hand and shake it. It was funny to her. 

"Hey, why don't we go drive-in tonight, Princess?" I ask. "Take a break from this shit." Ella Rae shakes her head. 

"Why not, dollface?" 

"Pass your midterm and we'll see." A smirk grows on my face. I was better at math than she thought-- not good, but not that bad. The more I asked her to explain, the longer I got to stay. Sure, Tim and the guys teased me, but for all they knew I was as bad as Ella Rae thought I was. 

"Just pass? If I pass, I get to take you to the drive-in?" 

"Maybe," Ella Rar replies. She sighs heavily and smiles, shaking her head again. "80% or higher and we can go to the drive-in together." We had never gone anywhere other than her house together minus the walk to get there. 

"It's a date, Princess." 

"It's not a date," she snaps back quickly. "No offense, but I don't think you'll get higher than a 70." 

"I guess you'll just have to teach me better, babe." Her cheeks reddened with embarrassment. I bite my lip and look her up and down. I was rubbing off on her, maybe a little too much. Ella Rae started wearing more makeup, she wore more casual, grease clothes. 

Ella Rar was not nearly as stuck up as I guessed. We'd drink beers and smoke cigarettes while working, even while she helped me with some of my other homework. She gave me a spare notebook and she found herself constantly doodling on on the cover with a permanent marker. I always kept the green pen she gave me in my pocket. I don't think she remembers that I still have it. 

"In your dreams, Shepard. Number 13, go." 

I roll my eyes. 

day after midterms:

"Looks like I'll be picking you up tonight, Princess, " I whisper in Ella Rae's ear. I think she was waiting for me again because she was leaning on the wall where I usually wait for her. She must have gotten out early today. I hand her the folded-up paper with my score on it. She opens it and sees the 94% written in bright red marker. She shakes her head and rolls her eyes. 

"I meant all your exams," she lies. 

"That's not what you said, doll. But, since you ask"- I pull out another couple sheets of paper, the other test results-" here you are." Ella Rae huffs and shakes her head. 

"You know you want to, Princess. Come on, you have some getting ready to do." Ella Rae rolls her eyes and hands the papers back, starting to walk. I follow by her side. 

"Show those to Tim, he oughta be proud of that. I sure would be," Ella Rae insists. Some of the times I've had to miss her was to help Tim out with something. She always got nervous about that and would give me the silent treatment the next math class. I usually managed to win her back by the end of the day for our study session. 

"Yeah," I mutter. I know Tim would be proud, deep down he would. Grades don't mean too much to him in that way, it's kind of funny. He'll tell you good job and never bring it up again. I wish I had normal parents that would hang report cards up on the fridge and flaunt them every time someone came over. 

"Hey, I'm proud of you, Curls," Ella Rae says, grabbing my arm and squeezing it tightly for a second before letting go. "You did really well. Let me take you for ice cream tonight, my treat."

"No no no, Princess. I'm the one taking you out tonight, that was the deal." Ella Rae shakes her head and we make small talk until we reach her front porch. She steps through the fence and I lean on it. 

"You're not coming?" She frowns slightly. I smirk and shake my head. 

"You have a date to get ready for, Princess." Ella Rae laughs, shaking her head, but I can tell she's excited. I think. What's playing tonight? Where does she like to sit? Can I wrap my arm around her? Can I kiss her?

"You're so funny." 

"I'll pick you up at 8, okay," I say. "Get you something to eat before we go." Ella Rae smiles and nods. 

"See you around Curly." 

Ella Rae's Point of View:

Rolling my eyes, I watch Curly linger at the fence a little after I close the door. A smile grows on his face and he walks away, looking even cockier than usual. I can't believe I agreed to this. I should have known he was gonna pull bullshit like this and get good grades. Curly's smarter than I thought. He probably would have done just fine with me. 

What am I gonna wear? What's Curly gonna wear? I'm sure he'll be wearing the same jeans and leather jacket as he always does, but I didn't know if that means I should dress a little nicer or how I usually do. Damn it, I don't know. 

I walk to my closet and open the doors, looking at my wardrobe. Nothing feels right. How does he want me to dress? Like a greaser? What if his friends see us? What if I embarrass him? Better dress more like a greaser. 

I'm not a greaser or a soc, but after meeting Curly again I'd have to say I was more of a greaser. I'm started drinking and smoking more than usual, swearing and overall just acted lower-class, not that I minded. My parents weren't around to notice anyway, they barely acknowledge me if I'm lucky. 

Well, let's do this.

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