- Chapter 13 -

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For weeks, Ella Rae ignored Curly. He apologized over and over, obviously never in front of anyone else. He showed up at her house almost every other night, but she started locking the doors and windows, each time he picked the lock she would ignore him or threaten to call the cops.

Even Tim was mad at him, she was the best thing that ever happened to him and everyone in Tulsa knew it. He started getting more reckless and got in more fights. Ella knew if she spoke to him again, she wouldn't be able to walk away again, so she kept her distance…until she didn't.

Ella Rae's Point of View
"Curly Shepard, I'm gonna kill you," I shout, running down the alleyway where he's standing with his buddies. I grab his shirt and spin him around, shoving him back. 

"You told them! You told the cops about my parents!" I pace, running my hands through my hair. I can't believe I ever trusted him. I would never do that to him. I could have, but I didn't. 

"What the hell? I didn't -" 

"So they just happened to send CPS to my house yesterday removing me from my parents' custody because of an 'anonymous report?'" I ask. "That's not a coincidence, Shepard. I could've gone to the cops about so much and I didn't because it's called respecting someone. You don't have shit anymore." I turn around and he keeps arguing. 

"I didn't tell the cops, princess."

"Well, you're the only one I told!" I scream. "And I told you to stop calling me that! I trusted you, Curly! I should have known better, you-"

"I didn't tell anyone!" He shouts back. "You know me, Ella, I'm not a fucking snitch. I'm loyal." 

"Yeah, you were real loyal when you were kissing that other broad after a fight you told me you wouldn't get into. Real loyal. You're a dick, Curly." 

I could tell the cops about him right now and part of me wants to real bad. They're taking me away because Curly was angry. He got mad at me and he told the cops. Now I'm mad, but I can't bring myself to do it. I can't bring myself to report Curly. He would get so much time if I did. 

A part of my heart refuses to believe that Curly did it. I have to admit that he was loyal before I caught him.  He never I've shared. He never forced me to go to parties or drink or smoke or do anything else. He was as loyal as they come. 

Curly Shepard's Point of View
I storm into the house, slamming the door behind me. 

"What's got you in a sour mood?" Angela laughs. 

"Did you tell anyone about Ella's parents?" I snap, pointing a finger at her. Who told them because I sure as hell didn't? She probably going to the cops about me right now. "I swear at to God, Angela-"

"I didnt tell anyone, Curly. The hell you talking about?" I shake my head, pacing the hallway. Tim must not be home because his car ain't out front and he doesn't seem to be in the house. "Curly, answer me." 

"Nothing, Angel, don't worry about it." 

"No, I'm gonna worry about it. What happened to her parents?" 

"What happened to Ella, man? They're shipping her off somewhere and she thinks I told." I wouldn't tell nobody anything, especially shit like that. Angela and I would be shipped out so fast Tim wouldn't know it even happened. Have her parents even come around to find out? My guess is no.

"You didn't tell, did you?" I shake my head. "Then tell her. She knows you-"

"She's probably already on her way to the station to ruin me right now." Angela shakes her head. She loved Ella Rae, way more than any of my other chicks. Tim digged her too, even though he wouldn't show it much. I got hell after that broad from the parking lot. 

"She wouldn't do that, Curly. Ella knows-"

"Well she might if she thinks that I told them." I sigh and shake my head, continuing to pace. She can't leave. If she leaves, I'll never get to talk to her again or see her or apologize. If she leave, she ain't coming back. Nobody comes back to a town like this, especially a girl like her that could get into any school she wants. 

I can't let her leave, but I can't keep her here. There's nothing I can do. No matter what I say, no matter what she says, she's gonna have to leave. I can find out who did it and beat the tar outta them, but that won't bring her back to Tulsa. She won't come back for me or for anyone. 

"What am I supposed to do, Angela? I'm nothing. I can't do shit to help her. I can't prove I didn't do it." 

"You could have maybe not kissed another girl and she would be on speaking terms," Angela snaps back. "Maybe, just maybe, if you could stick to one chick this wouldn't have happened." 

"I know I messed up, alright! That not my biggest problem right now. My biggest problem is trying to figure out how to keep her here, Angela, so if you would shut the fuck up about what I did and help me figure out how to fix it that would be helpful." I stop walking and bite the inside of my cheek.  If I could find something to do, Ella wouldn't let me. 

"Well I can't fix your mistakes, Curly. That's on you." 

"Ella helped you, Angel, and you aren't even gonna try?" 

"What do you want me to do, Curly? You can't do shit and neither can I, so don't expect something of me that you can't even do." 

"I gotta figure out something. She can't leave." 

"Why can't you just face the facts? Ella's leaving and there's nothing you can do about it, so stop trying."

Stay Wild: A Curly Shepard Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now