everything i know

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a/n my loves! Thank you for your patience!


There are no nightmares.

At some point in the night, Leo climbed up onto the bed with us, because when my eyes squint from the dull brightness of day the next morning, he's curled by my feet, purring very loudly.

The sheets next to me are wrinkled, but the bed is empty. I sit up and rub my eyes. Harry is gone. His clothes have disappeared. The only proof of him is the dissipating warmth in the bed, and the dip in his pillow.

I run my hand over the sheets. A small yawn escapes.

The silly, naive part of me was hoping he wouldn't move all night. That I would wake up and his arm would still be draped across me. That his soft breathing would carry through the room as he slept soundly, his head tucked against my neck.

But he's not here.

I pull myself out of bed and go to brush my teeth.

In the bathroom mirror, my reflection stares back at me menacingly. I let the photographer's words from last night roll around in my head. I tilt my chin to the side and stare disapprovingly at my jawline.

Maybe I could start chewing gum? Would that make my jaw sharper? I could look up an exercise on the internet. My eyes linger on my figure in the mirror, slowly trailing down to my hips. I can't see them underneath the shirt hanging on my shoulders, but I can picture them.

The silence of the bathroom wakes me up from my thoughts. The toothbrush falls limp in my mouth. What am I doing?

I turn away from the mirror and finish brushing my teeth facing the white tile wall. I hear my bedroom door creak open. Soft footsteps pad around on the hardwood.

"Quinn?" Harry calls. I muffle a response, my mouth full of toothpaste. A second later his head pops into the room, sweaty and grinning. "Good morning."

"Where'd you go?" I hum, closing my eyes and leaning over the sink to rinse out my mouth.

"For a run. I figured you didn't want me here when you woke up." He shrugs and moves closer, resting his chin on my drooped shoulder. I look up at him in the mirror.

He's wearing the clothes he wore to the concert last night. Makes sense, they were already pretty sweaty I'd imagine.

What if I told you I did want you here? Is that embarrassing?

A wave of adrenaline rises and falls in my stomach.

"What, Quinn," he laughs, sensing my sudden shift. My mouth twitches back and forth.

"I kind of did want you here. When I woke up." I mumble. My eyes accidentally dart to my face in the mirror and quickly look away. I force them to stare at the bottom of the sink basin, an embarrassed grimace forming.

Harry stands up straight and steps back. He's quiet for so long, I have to look back up at the mirror to make sure he's still there.

His eyes are very bright.

We've woken up together before, several times. But I get the sense that it's usually an accident on Harry's part. Whenever he has the ability, he leaves the room before I wake up.

He presses his lips together to hide a smile and squints. "Okay," he nods slowly. "Good to know." He leans back against the bathroom wall and crosses his arms. His eyes linger over me while I wash my face.

Now it's my turn to awkwardly laugh at him. "What," I chuckle. He shrugs big and the smile fights its way across his lips.

"It's nothing," he plays off, not trying to hide his cheesy grin anymore. I stare at him in the mirror, an eyebrow perked.

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