im your dog

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a/n hi!


"Anna," he whispers, voice stripped raw by the morning.

I smile and curl tighter into myself under the blankets.

"Anna," he murmurs again. I feel the tip of his nose bonk against my bare shoulder. I hum.

"You're awake?"

"It appears so," I mumble and twist my neck around, my eye squinting open. His nose is still squished against me. "Good morning."

His bedroom window lets in sunshine. It lands in two bold squares across the comforter. From here I see a block of crisp blue. The color makes me shiver, knowing how cold it must be outside.

"Did you sleep okay?" He wonders. "You were so tired last night, we didn't give each other our presents."

"No we didn't," I twist around to face him entirely, propping up against the pillow. "Is that why you woke me up?"

"Well, our flight's in a few hours too," he reasons. My face folds together. I never heard an alarm go off.

"Did you sleep, Harry? At all?"

He hesitates, which answers my question. I press my lips together and sharply inhale.

"Why not?"

"I never sleep well in this house. On top of the fact that I don't sleep well in general."

"You should have said something. I could have helped," I frown. My fingers reach out to play with his hair. They knot at the back of his neck, gently tugging against the curls. He melts at the touch. His body relaxes and a faint smile traces his lips. He closes his eyes and shyly shrugs.

"I can probably sleep on the plane." He sinks further into the bed, reaching an arm out and wrapping it around my waist. I let him tug me closer, deeper into the sleepy trance that the bed and sun are fighting to keep us in.

"Fine," I kiss his chin.

He melts again. I don't know how else to describe it. It's like all the tension in his body drips away and leaves him soft and happy. I trace my finger in a pattern of swirls along the back of his neck and watch his pleasant reaction. He's so easy to comfort, to please. It's fun to watch how he mellows out at the simplest touch.

"Do you want your present or not?" His eyes blink open, realizing I'm distracting him.

"Yes please."

"Okay." I reluctantly let go as he drags himself from the bed. He digs through his suitcase, until his hand hits something underneath the dirty socks. He grabs it, and hides the object behind him, turning to face me again.

"Did you wrap it?" I laugh at the gesture. He freezes.

"Oh, I guess I did. Don't need to hide it, do I," he relaxes and climbs back into bed, kneeling next to me. His hands reveal a box a little smaller than my forearm, wrapped in shiny peppermint stripes.

"Very cute," I take the gift from him, holding it up to my ear to shake. There's a couple loud thunks. I hold it up to the light. The shiny material glitters when I twist it.

Harry's mouth twitches back and forth. He's fighting a smile. "I, uh. I'm very nervous."

"Really?" My eyebrows perk up.

"You're a hard person to buy a gift for."

"How so?" I tease him, but stop twirling the box in my hand. He shrugs.

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