yellow corduroys

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a/n eee i love this chapter so cute. I know I say that about all of them, but this one is actually so cute haha.

also, I noticed some more people have started reading this story and adding it to reading lists. Thank you! I appreciate you! I hope you are enjoying!


What are you up to today? -Q

I lean against the kitchen counter. It takes a couple of minutes, but my phone starts to ring. I pick it up and hold it to my ear.

"Hello," I smile.

"Nothing, I'm not doing anything." A familiar voice answers.

Emma and I pick him up from his apartment in her new car. He steps out onto the sidewalk when he sees us pull up to the curb, a puffy forest green jacket over brown pants and a white button up. On his head is a light gray newsies cap. He grins at us and walks over to the car, sliding into the middle backseat.

"Hello, hello, how are you all today?" Harry looks between the two of us, Emma at the wheel and me in the passenger seat. "I love your earrings."

I twirl my finger around them, two big pieces of red macaroni art hang from my ears. "Thank you," I smile. "We're doing good, Emma just woke up fifteen minutes ago."

She hits me playfully on the shoulder.

"If you don't mind me asking," he starts to buckle his seatbelt as Emma pulls back onto the road. "Where are we headed to? I never really got a clear answer."

"Well, Quinn tells me you've been here for a month," Emma looks up at him through the rearview mirror. "Seeing as you are becoming a permanent resident of this beautiful city we call home--DAMNIT!" She slams on the brakes as a car cuts her off. Harry's eyes widen in shock, perhaps even fear. "Sorry," she tucks a piece of hair behind her ear, her cheeks heating up.

"You should be flattered, Harry," I turn back to him sweetly. "She barely shows that much personality in front of me." She hits me in the arm again. He laughs a little, obviously still shaken by her sudden outburst of road rage.

"Anyway," she takes a deep breath. "We thought we'd show you some of our favorite spots--"

"And driving to them is no way to experience the city," I finish her statement for her. Harry nods a little, slowly understanding and accepting the plan. "Mr. Styles, when was the last time you rode a bike?" He smirks.

We park a block or two away from the bike rental stand and walk the rest of the way. He stuffs his hands into the pockets of his coat, and he seems comfortable with the two of us, content being in our company.

"Quinn, did you tell Harry about Leo?" Emma grins, spinning around to look at us. She tends to walk faster than anybody else, a side effect of being raised in New York City I imagine. Harry tenses up, glancing at me nervously.

"Leo?" The name forms strangely in his mouth, like he's having difficulty chewing. I perk up and look up at him.

"Oh yeah! Emma got a cat while I was away to keep her company. His name is Leo." His face relaxes into his previous pleasant expression.

"Leo," he says again, much gentler now, a smile on his face. "Like a lion, huh."

"Oh he's anything but," Emma rolls her eyes and laughs. I am surprised by her sudden candor in front of Harry. She seems so much more comfortable now than she was when they first met. The thought of them getting along makes me happy. "He's a total softy, grumpy, but soft," she turns back around and runs up to the bike stand.

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