she inspires, she adores, she walks away.
Bored out of his mind, Harry decides to attend New York Fashion Week, hoping to uncover a muse for his next hit single...
Recent graduate Quinn is finally finding work in her field, filming for amateur music...
a/n this story is fiction, meaning the timeline isn't perfect. It's just kinda a vibe, I put events and stuff where they make sense in the story. There's even some stuff I straight up made up. Thanks for checking this out.
There are so many people here. It makes me giddy.
I've never been asked to film a fashion show, let alone a fashion week. Fresh out of school too. This is the dream. This feels good.
Not that I have the biggest job in the world today, I'm not on the runway, or even in that building. But still, I have a task. The set built before me is punk, it's cool. Silver spikes protrude from the walls and hang from the ceiling. The floor is a deep red, glossy tile. Staged around the set, models pose, staring out, over the heads of us onlookers.
I adjust the camera resting on my shoulder. To be honest, I'm not used to such heavy equipment. Whenever I use a camera like this, it's typically resting on a tripod or in the hands of someone else. I find I'm most comfortable with my small, silver video camera. Right now, it hangs from a strap on my shoulder, replaced by the monstrosity I was given when I arrived.
I train the camera's lens up at one model on the edge of the set. Her neck is wrapped in a choker covered in spikes, the rest of her body draped in a soft lace dress and flowy gray pants.
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(gucci ready to wear fall collection 2019)
A small smile traces my lips as I click record, slowly zooming out from her stark expression and the spikes to the softness of her clothing. And then, as it always does, the camera moves on its own. I listen to its voice, as the shot moves from the set and into the crowd. And then I'm zooming in on a figure, standing before the models.
It's a tall, darkened silhouette against the brightness of the stage before it. Their hands are lightly clasped behind their back, and their head is ever so tilted. A figure in thought, pondering the art before it. I grin, and quickly change angles, dodging through the crowd until I'm standing directly behind them.
This is the money shot.
As much as I know I need to be filming for work, I kind of want this, just this one shot, all to myself. So I set down the heavy equipment, and open up my small, silver camera, steadying my hands.
My eye to the viewfinder, I lean into the tool, playing with the focus of the camera for a moment, before finding my sweet spot. There it is, a darkened, anonymous figure staring at the light. Staring at the softness, the sharpness, the art of fashion. This is it, this is gold. I let a smile take over my face as excitement bubbles inside me. The figure sways gently, and then begins turning on their heel to leave. I let them walk out of frame, and then wait a few moments longer, before ending the recording, grabbing my big camera, and running after them.
"Excuse me," I bring my hand up to tap them on the shoulder. They swiftly turn around, and suddenly I'm standing there dumbstruck.