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a/n WHOA! AnOTHER update? I must really love you guys.

check for an announcement at the end ;)


He doesn't sleep through the day again. When I stir at nine, the movement wakes him up as well. He softly lets go of me and turns over, sitting up to stare out the hotel window. His hands resting on the mattress, he lets out a heavy sigh and then stands up and looks back at me.

"Good morning." I call out from the bed. He nods and heads for the bathroom.

Something's off. I can feel it. He doesn't feel like himself. Despite this, there's still a void when he leaves the room. I'm acutely aware of how alone I am after sleeping against him all night.

I reach my arms up to stretch and climb out of bed, softly pattering down the hall to my room and carrying my suitcase back into his.

He's sitting on the bed again, pulling socks over his feet. When he looks up at me again a soft smile crawls across his lips. I'm instantly put at ease. Thank God I can make him smile. He feels so cold without it.

"What?" I grin back and set the suitcase on the floor, unzipping it to find an outfit. He shrugs and looks away.

"Took you long enough to bring that over here, that's all."

"Mm," I squint at him. He stands up and strides across the room to his own luggage, finding a pair of athletic shorts and a sweatshirt from his last tour. "Very fashionable," I tease.

"Mm," he mocks my sound. Nothing but the small smile a second ago. No laughing, singing, grinning. This is the heaviest he's felt since I first kissed him.

I pull out a black maxi skirt and cropped black band tee, easy and light for the humid day ahead.

I pull out a black maxi skirt and cropped black band tee, easy and light for the humid day ahead

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"That's cute," he points with his head and flops back onto the bed. I cross my arms over my chest.


We slip our shoes on and head out, wandering down the boulevards of Cancún hand in hand. The sounds of cars, birds, and people fill the air as the city wakes up. His fingers interlock with mine and tighten their grip as the sidewalk narrows. We turn and step into a warm cafe, the walls painted in bright yellow and red, the windows flung open in an attempt to keep the ac off as long as possible.

We slide into a table by a window. Harry delicately moves the branch of a dangling plant off his chair and back onto the sill. I let Cherry and my bag lay on the floor next to my seat. He rests his chin in his hand and glances out at the street, before looking back at me, a soft sad smile gracing his face. Why is he so sad? So off?

My mind darts to last night, the way my anger surged. I was trying to protect myself, I was embarrassed, hurt, and it was his fault. We both know it. He should feel bad, but knowing that I made him like this is unbearable. I ponder my options, and then reach down to grab Cherry, flipping her open and pressing record. He rolls his eyes but brightens slightly.

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