Chapter 26

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"At that moment, however, she knew she could reach any apex, as long as it was Stefania who guided her there."

The week was exciting... the scenes between the couple heated up every day, Danielle couldn't help making plans involving Stefania, including the trip to Italy, not to mention the live that the two were planing...

The blue-eyed girl never imaginated that routine could be a good thing... she loved waking up every morning making love with Stefania, going to work, spending the day exchanging caresses, kisses and vows of love, coming home, doing anything, as long as it was with her beautiful girlfriend, go to bed, make love (again) and then sleep in the arms of the most gorgeus and passionating brunette in the world. That really makes her happy.

Jaina arrived and, snapping her fingers in front of her friend's face, said amusedly: "planet earth calling Danielle!! Can you now return from planet Stefania and share a moment with the mere mortals of this civilization?" The blonde seemed to have came out of the trance and smiled at her great friend saying "planet Stefania is the most fascinating planet in the whole universe, dear! For me, I'd never leave it!" Jaina laughing, said "don't worry my dear friend. You're already a permanent inhabitant of this planet. So that sometimes it's good to have my friend back to this planet, to visit me."

The blonde leaned over to hug her friend. Jaina then said "I'm really happy to know that you finally found love and that love makes you so good. That it overflows, but it doesn't mean I  don't miss you." Danielle  smiled tenderly and confessed that she also missed her friend. Jaina said it didn't matter, as long as she knew her friend was happy, because she knew she'd always have a place in the blonde's heart. And that in fact, she was happy to know that finally her friend had fallen in love with the right person, and even happier to know that the italian felt the same way.

The conversation flowed excitedly between them while Danielle waited for Stefania to finish shooting. They talked about the most varied subjects.   And how they had subjects!!!! Suddenly, the blue-eyed girl said "Jai, Stefania is super romantic. And you know, we've never made our dating official... after all that shit with that disgusting woman one day I took my chances and called her "girlfriend", and my beautiful italian didn't deny it. But I wanted to do something special to make our relationship official.... for her to know that I'm totally in, that I plunged headlong into this relationship... she deserves it more than anybody else, but I don't know what to do..

Jaina soon offered to help the blonde, who soon got excited. The friend then started asking what Stefania likes, besides making sex with her hahahaha. Danielle said "Stefania is very sophisticated, but at the same time she is very simple, humble. It's so easy to please her, and that's the problem... hahahahaha" Jaina perfectly understood her friend's difficulty, and promissed to think of something unforgettable to help.

"And how are the preparations for your live?"
"Amazing!" Answered the blonde, with bright eyes.
"Will you assume your relationship there? I mean, the fans will go insane!!!" Jaina stated.

The blue-eyed girl replied "No, not yet. Stefania wants to let her family, in Italy, know first. By the way, she invited me  to go to Sicilia with her to tell her family."

"Don't tell me!! Fuck Dani, this is a huge step! You understand what does it mean, don't you?" Danielle blushed and smiled shyed, just answering "yes, I do!"

The friend got confused around the blonde's reaction... "you don't look happy... what is going on?" The blue-eyed girl hurried to explain "No! Of course I am! I'm just a little scared. I mean, Jai, we knew a few months ago, and since the very first moment, things were so intense! And now, I'm afraid of her family. Stefania has already said a lot of times that her family is very conservative. What if they don't approve our relationship? What will I do? I can't live without her anymore!" The brunette friend smiled, held the blonde's hands and said "and do you really believe that the family's approval will change what she feels for you? Danielle, Stefania loves you more than herself. Stop freaking out for nothing! By the way... have you already introduced her to your parents?"

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