Chapter 82

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"Stef, I'm hungry, but not of food! Ah, I love that! And smiling they started all over again."

Buon giorno amore mio!" (Good morning my love!) Said a tired but happy Stefania.
"Buon giorno amore mio! Io ti amo tanto, bella!" (Good morning my love! I love you so much, bella). Answered Danielle as tired and happy as her fiancee.
"How are you today, bambina?" Asked the brunette stroking the blue-eyed girl's cheeks.
"I'm amazing! I had the best night ever with the hottest and most wonderful woman I've ever known, wich by the way, is my gorgeous fiancee, soon to be wife!" Answered Danielle with a soft voice.

Stefania melted. And rolled on top of her fiancee kissing her neck and saying "io ti amo. Sel la mia vita, bella!" (I love you. You're my life, bella!)

Danielle immediatelly grabbed her fiancee and began stroking her naked body. Every single thing about her was perfect. Her smooth skin, her wonderful scent, her hot breath, the smel and heat that her skin gave off, it all drove the blonde crazy with love.

"Stefania, I wasted a lot of time before I learned that words can't be saved. Either you speak them, write them or they'll suffocate us. So, I need to tell you this... love, you're the reason for my life, and I love you more than myself. And I never get tired of repeating how much I love you every second of my life, my love. Now, come here, principessa. I know we made love all night long (we didn't sleep yet), but I still need to feel your fingers invading me once more, your mouth on my sex one more time. I want to see your body sweat from the effort of making me come and reaching your own orgasm and then, to see that beautiful post fuck smile you always give me after our make out session."
"Oh bella. This is so beautiful and sweet, bambina! You know what? Quello que avevamo era amore prima ancora che lo fosse. L'amore è molto piú casuale di quel che pensavo. L'amore è un bisogno intrinseco e noi si assicuriamo che quel bisogno venga rinnovato ogni minuto. Con te al mio fianco era già amore e lo sarà per sempre. Sei tutta la mia vita, angelo mio! Ti amo tanto! Così tanto che non posso spiegarlo!" (What we already had was love before it was! Love is so much more fatal than I thought. Love is as much inherent as need itself, and we're guaranteed by a need that renews itself every minute. With you by my side, love is already love and it will always be. You're my life, angel! I love you so much! So much that I can't explain it!)

Now it was Danielle's turn to melt. They started kissing and things quickly heated up. They had another fantastic sex session...

"Oh my God, Stefania. Sei fantastica! (You're fantastic) you always make me feel amazing! I love you, baby!"
"Sei perfetta, amore mio! Ti voglio tanto bene! No lo so come vivere senza te! Sei affascinante!" (You're perfect, my love! I love you so much! I don't know how to live without you. You're fascinating!) Stated the hazel-eyed girl. They kissed a lot and made love over and over again, and once again when they decided to go take a shower. After a night and a half  of love (since they spent the morning still making love after a whole night) the couple joined Daniela.

"Buon giorno, bambinas."
"Buon giorno, sorellina."
"Wow, the night was fantastica, huh?"
"Si, sorella. The best night ever! This woman makes my heart overflow!"

Danielle was embarassed...

"D-did y-you hear u-us? I'm s-sorry! Oh my God, Stefania!"

Both sisters burst into a laughter...

"Don't worry, bambina! Daniela knows very well you make me scream with pleasure! Hahahahhaa."
"Me and all the neighborhood! By the way, you're really amazing in bed, girl. By the way you make Stefania scream and moan... Dio mio! Hahahahha." (My God!)
"Jesus Christ, Stefania... I wanna die!"
"Please, Danielle. You have no reason to get embarassed. I'm really happy for knowing my sweet sorella found the real love!"
"Yes, you're right. I really love your sister. And I can assure you, that this is the best feeling ever! Her innocense is brilliant! Her way to be, the way she gives herself to me, the way she protects me is... fantastico! I have no words to tell you how much I love you, Stef!"
"Oh, bambina mia! Io ti voglio tanto bene!" (Oh, baby! I love you so much!)
"What do you want to do in your last day around here?" Asked Daniela.
"Mmmm, I don't know... I'd love to go anywhere Stefania wants to take me. But I want you to be with us, and I'm not taking a "no" as an answer. Today is our last day together...." said the blonde with teary eyes...
"Oh. Bambina. Of course I will be with you!"
"I'm gonna miss you, sister-in law!"
"Me too, bella!"
"What about we go to La Capannine?" Sugested the taller italian.
"Oh, that's an amazing idea!" Said Daniela.
"As long as I am with you, baby, I'm totally in!" Stated the blonde.
"Okay. Let's go, then!"

The day was perfect. Stefania and Danielle were in their private bubble, on Planet Stefanielle. They couldn't be more in love. Danielle was amazed!

"Baby, what a wonderful place!"
"Not as wonderful as you, bambina!"
"I love you, Stefania!"
"I love.ypu more, Danielle!"
"Nah, that's impossible!"
"Amore, do you want to go for a diving?"

The american's eyes lit up. Stefania couldn't feel more in love than this...

"Are you serious, honey?"
"Si, sure! I know you love diving, belline."
"Yes, baby. Let's go there."
"Oh, my blue ocean eyes, let's do it. By the way... have I told you latelly that I love you?"
"Blue ocean eyes? You like my eyes?" Asmed the blonde smiling in love
"Are you kidding me? I love your eyes!"
"I love you too, baby!" Replied the american girl all silly. "But you have this beautiful ocean at your feet and you talk about my eyes?" Asked the shorter woman completelly in love.
"Yes, this ocean is really awesome! But it doesn't get even close to your beautiful eyes, love! All I ask God is to always allow me to look straight deep into your amazing eyes!"
"You'll always be able to look into them. They're all yours, sweetheart. You're all they look forward every single second. Now, dammi un bacio, bella!" (Kiss me, bella)

They kissed with so much love... a few minutes later, they were diving. They saw a beautiful world under the sea and kissed there inside. Lots of caresses, hand in hand even when they were diving... after diving, they went to ride a jet ski. Danielle's face was glowing. She was smiling from ear to ear. So Stefania.

"Bambina, I love to see you smiling!" The brunette yelled.
"Mmmm you're the reason of my smiling, baby!" The blue-eyed girl yelled back.

After a long time having fun, they came back under their sunshade, still kissing, feeling the sexual tension between them...

"Dio Santo, bambinas! (My God, bambinas!) Can you think about something else but having sex? You both are sex crazed!!! Hahahahahah" stated Daniela amused.
"Yes, sorella, we can think about... mmmm not actually! But you can't blaim me! The fault is all on her. Did you notice how stuning, hot and beautiful she is?" Asked the italian.
"Definitely not, Daniela. Hahahha. Besides, since we first went out on a beach, we always have sex on the beach! It's like an addition... hahahahhaha."
"Hahahahha you're both crazy!"

They went to the water, hand in hand. The lust was killing both of them.

"Stefania, I'm trying my best, but I can't handle this horny anymore! I need you inside of me. Right now, baby! And I need to be inside of you too, honey!
"Yes bambina. Me too! Come with me, hurry up!"

The couple went deeper into the ocean, to where they could have more privacy. Danielle was really turned on! The blonde didn't even wanted to know if anyone was going to see or hear them making love. She just didn't care. All she wanted and needed was her fiancee. And wasting no time, the blue-eyed girl penetrated Stefania's folds while biting her wildly.

"Aaahhh, Danielle... you turn me so on! Mmmm". Stated the brunette closing her eyes.
"Come on, baby girl, come for me! My fingers are crazy for your delightful orgasm!"

It didn't take Stefania long to hit an amazing strong orgasm... and as soon as she came back from her high, she made her greatest love come wildly.

"Good girl!" Stated the italian.

The american girl smiled completelly satified and in love, and also with her legs shaking...

"Okay, now I can go back to our sunshade." Stated the shortes girl.
"Hahaha really? Let's go then." Replied the older woman.

The day was great, but it was time to go back.
"Let's have lunch?" Invited the hazel-eyed girl
"Yeeeeessss." Replied the blonde.

After a wonderful time during lunch, the three women headed back home, it was time to pack... they'd come back to LA next day.

They were talking happily. Stefania and Danielle always keeping the physical touch. The blonde was expressing how much she loved Italy, the company of her sister-in-law, and everything else. Suddenly the american got a little upset...

"What is wrong, amore mio?"
"I'm gonna really miss all of this, baby! How could I not? I'll be milles away from where my life changed forever. Where you made me the happiest woman in the world asking me to marry you..."
"Oh my eternal love, if I lived one million lives, I'd chose you and would propose you one million times! We were meant to be, Danielle! I love you! By the way, we can come back as soon as possible, bambina."
"I love you more, baby girl! And I'd say yes a million times! You're my home, my hot italian!"

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