The Tour

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"Let's go Greenie, time for your tour", Thomas said turning to you. "Ok, let's go", you said gladly taking his arm, waving goodbye to Minho as he got up and brushed himself off. 

Thomas took you around the Glade, showing you all the places in the Glade, where the Gladers eat, sleep, work... He explained everything in detail, because he too was once a Greenie and wasn't told much, so he felt that you should get better treatment. 

He took you up to the lookout post and you two looked out over the peaceful Glade as the sun started to slowly set and the sky tinged a light pink.

"So we're trapped in a Maze?", you asked so suddenly, that you suprised yourself along with Thomas. Your face flushed a deep shade of red. "How did you find out?", a flabbergasted Thomas asked. One word came out of your mouth, "Minho." "The shank", Thomas muttered, "Yes, we live in a maze. We don't know why we were put here, but we're looking for a way out everyday. The only people that are allowed out in that Maze are the Runners, which are Minho and I." "I wanna join you", you said. "What?", a shell-shocked Thomas uttered. "i want to be a Runner", you pressed. "No, Greenie, it's too dangerous."

"Is this because I'm a girl?", you yelled, clearly p*ssed off. "Oh, and one more thing my name isn't Greenie. It's (Y/N)!"


I left ya hangin'

Woops sorry...😐

I didn't know what else to write ...

I've gotten like ten reads and two votes in about two hours AHHHH SO HAPPY 😋


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