Your Funeral | Minho pt. 2

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Ok so I made a part two, to 'you die in his arms' enjoy (;

Minho's POV:

I felt (Y/N)'s hot tears all into my hand as she closed her eyes for eternity.

"(Y/N)." I sobbed. I pulled her close to me and cried. Everything that I've ever known and loved, gone. All because of me. "(Y/N)!" I screamed. I didn't know what to do. I felt a hand pat me on the back, then the wood boards shifting, as if someone was trying to sit next to me.

"Minho.." The voice whispered.

"Please," I choked a sob back. "Go away." He must've understood, because I didn't hear another voice.

As I kneeled beside (y/n)'s body, I imagined her sleeping, her breaths falling evenly, enjoying her rest. My imagination got the best of me. I hoped shed awake and hug me, forever.

But her eyes stood shut. No one would ever see her beautiful (y/e/c) eyes. Her chest never rose again. Her face was pale and her hands were cold as I held them.

'Love is destruction, and to be loved is to be destroyed.'   

I imagined (Y/N)'s lips forming the words that she called her favorite quote. She had told me that before we agreed to become more then friends. But I wasn't expecting such a mass destruction like this.

I closed my eyes as my last years rolled down my cheeks.

I slowly got up and went to find Alby.

I walked into the kitchen, only to see the whole glade staring at me. All of their faces, filled with grief and sorrow.

And it's all my fault.

I straightened up as I saw Alby walking to me.

"We're all very sorry, Minho." He put a hand on my shoulder. I nodded, knowing If I said a word, tears would rush down my cheeks once again.

I saw Newt slowly stalk over to me and Alby.

"I can't believe it.." Newt said in his thick accent. "S-she's gone."

"That's why we have to give her a proper funeral." I met eyes with Alby.

"You're right. We'll have a funeral. She deserves it."

I walked out back to the Med-Jack hut.

I walked in, hoping to see her breathing, laughing, smiling...anything.

My dreams shattered as I saw her remain the same as I left her.

I admired her beauty once more. I couldn't take the feeling that I'd never see her again.

I pulled a chair next to her lifeless body.

I grabbed her cold hand and started to speak.

"It's all my fault." I whispered. Hot years already down to my chin. "I love you...and i always will. I'll never forget the way you smiled. Or the way you shrieked when Chuck pulled pranks on you." I chuckled lightly at the memory. "You were a gift from the heavens..and I've wasted it. At least you're not in this hell.." I would've said more, but I was interrupted by a soft knock on the door.

"Come in." I said letting out a sob. It was Alby. He slowly walked over to me and kneeled down.

"We've got a spot for (Y/N)." He whispered.

"I-I'll get her ready." I said lightly.

Alby got up, leaned down and kissed her forehead, then walked out.

I pursed my lips and cried harder. My eyes were blurred with the tears.

I grabbed what looked like a stretcher, but with no wheels, and set it on the ground. I wrapped a sheet all around it.

I wrapped my arms around (Y/N)'s lifeless body, and set her on the stretcher.

I opened the door to see Alby and Newt, hugging. I could only see Newt's face, but he was crying.

They pulled away when they saw me.

"N-Newt why don't you help me. Alby you lead." I said. My chest felt heavy. Everyone I breathed, it felt like someone was sitting on me.

Newt nodded.

We walked in the room where she lied.

Newt covered his mouth at the sight of her. I could almost hear my heart shattering. I grabbed the two top handles and waited for Newt.

"I'm so sorry, (Y/N), that this had t-to be your fate." Newt's eyes glimmered with tears. He gabbed the two bottom handles as we proceeded to the door.

Alby led is all the way to the opposite side, the dead heads.

I remembered when me and (Y/N) would run around, chasing eachother. We'd race each other. Laugh until our stomachs hurt.

Now, I'd never see this place the same.

We came up to a small huddle, where the whole glade stood. Some had watery eyes, some had tears sitting on their cheeks, and some looked numb.

They broke the circle when they saw us coming. I noticed a body shaped hole in the ground.

Where (Y/N) would rest in peace forever.

Newt and I slowly lowered down (Y/N). Newt stepped back, where I kneeled. I reached my head into the hole.

"I'll see you soon, baby girl. I promise."


*passes tissues around* 


That's a real tear jerker.

Anyway, I should be like million dollar matchmaker. Idk how I'm single (jk I'm an ugly shank) evie shaddab ur org asf

I made myself cry while writing this omg and i cried reading this


luv u

aye aye aye

evie's an amazing writer

i chose my halloween costume already for some reason

i'm gonna be a sims ;)

lol adios

luke's gf arzaylea annoys tf outta me bye

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