Stars | Newt

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I'm back :-D

thanks so much for caring about me

ily all

i just had a really rough week and it got a little too much but I'm alive and well and happy :)

quick imagine for you all


You sat with Newt in the little clearing in the DeadHeads looking up at the stars. The long grass licked at your bare feet, as constellations glimmered above your heads.

You always had had a fascination with the twinkling little lights in the sky. They were so beautiful, and they always reminded you of of the feeling you got when you looked straight into his eyes, this sense of euphoria.

There was a silence between you two. It wasn't awkward, it was calm. Both of you were enjoying being next to each other, enjoying each other's company.

"I always wonder if you see stars in my eyes, because I always see entire galaxies in your eyes. You make me so happy, as if I were up there amongst them..." slipped out of your mouth as you looked over at him.

"You know what I see when I look into your eyes (Y/N)? I see happiness, something I've longed for since... since forever. I see everything in your eyes. From galaxies, to sunrises, to the end of time. I see everything that we could be together." Newt's words spilled out of his mouth a mile a minute and you didn't want it to end. You wanted to hear him say that to you everyday for the rest of your life.

He never showed you much affection. In fact, the only time he really did was when he asked you to be his girlfriend. He had kissed you on the cheek and given you a small hug. After a year of being together, he still hadn't shown you even the smallest sign of affection, until now. You had been planning on breaking up with him today, but you were proven wrong, he in fact did love you.

You looked over at him, tears of happiness brimming in your eyes. His face glowed in the starlight, his eyes twinkled like a thousand stars. And in that moment, you kissed him. And he kissed back.


such fluff

i missed writing. it makes me happy.

i have hw so i have to go do that crap

but ily guys enjoy

i died bc the stupid tumblr post that i linked


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