Shower | Thomas

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Running the maze was a lot of work, and you were always sweaty after it. You didn't like to shower because of the boys, but it had to be done.

You quickly grabbed the only change of clothes you had, and ran to the showers.

Peaking around before stepping in, you quickly undressed and let the cool water hit you.

Everything was running smoothly. No boys. you used some shampoo you found in the box a while ago. Sure the water was cold, but better then staying sweaty.

You were almost done, all that was left was to rinse your hair out. You quickly did that, and turned the water off. Before opening the shower curtain made of cloth, you wrapped your body in a towel. You then swiped the curtain to the left, but you weren't expecting this.

Thomas's mouth dropped as he saw you, almost instantly covering his eyes.

"(Y/N)! I-I'm sorry! I-" Thomas started but you cut in.

"Thomas! What the shuck are you doing!?" You yelled.

"I was looking for a towel, and-and I knew you were here, but I didn't think-and I-I should go." Thomas rambled.

Your cheeks were flushed red. That's never happened to you before.

Thomas stumbled out, closing the sort behind him.

You sighed in frustration.

You stepped out of the shower and very quickly got dressed. You wiped your hair with the towel before stepping outside.

All you wanted was sleep. The doors were already shut, the sun was almost set, so why not?

You slowly walked to your room. You were almost there, when Thomas ran up to you.

"H-hey, (Y/N), I just wanna apologize for um..." He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

You laughed nervously. " least I wasn't naked."

"I wouldn't mind that." Thomas winked.

You rolled your eyes and slightly pushed him. "Whatever."


hi yes I am the new co owner and this is my first imagine.

I hope you liked it also, I'm gonna tell you a couple facts about me so you can get to know me better :)

1. My name is Evie
2. I have blonde hair.     
3. My account is @missevangelene
4. I'm going into 8th grade.
5. That's it.

k bye

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