He Apologizes | THOMAS

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Ever since the fight you've avoided him like the plague. You hung around with Newt and Minho, who quickly became you're two best friends. Every now and then you would see Thomas moping around the Glade, or running out of the Maze before the doors closed, looking so sad and depressed. You felt a little bad, but it was his fault. He didn't want you going in that Maze, and he even kissed you for no apparent reason! Yeah, the kiss was amazing, but it was uncalled for. 

"What's his problem?", you asked Minho and Newt, nodding over to Thomas, at dinner one evening. They both snickered. "What?", you looked at them with a perplexed look. "You really don't know, do you (Y/N)?", Newt asked, a small smirk on his face. You shook your head no. You thought it was about the fight you had about a month ago, but surely he would've let it go by now. "He's sad because you won't talk to him at all, (Y/N). He been wanting to talk to you ever since the fight, but you've been running from him like he's a Griever", Minho added. You were shocked, you couldn't believe what Minho told you. Thomas actually wanted to talk to you, and that you were being so cruel and ignoring him. You finished your dinner, said goodbye to Newt and Minho, and went on a walk to the Deadheads. It was your favorite place to go to think since it was so quiet and peaceful. You sat down by your favorite tree in the clearing, and thought if Thomas would ever forgive you, you missed him, A LOT. And at that moment, you realized that you loved Thomas. Suddenly, a twig snapped nearby. You got scared, thinking it was Griever. Thomas stepped out from behind a tree. "Hey", you said, your heart racing. He sat down next to you. He sighed, "(Y/N)... I'm honestly and truly sorry. I should've let you become a Runn-". You cut him off with a kiss. "I accept your apology, Thomas. I knew that you just didn't want to see me get hurt, and I'm stupid that I didn't see that sooner." You hugged him, and he hugged back. "I thought I lost you, (Y/N). I love you, and I don't ever want to lose you.", he said stroking your hair.

You held his hand as the both of you walked back to Homestead. Many of the Gladers jeered and hooted, but you didn't care. You had Thomas back, and that's all that mattered.


Awwww... I really liked writing this chapter.

I think I might switch up my format, but I'm not entirely sure yet.

I'm going to add in a few Gally imagines, here and there.

I'm soo happy that people are reading my fanfiction! YAY!

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