Chapter 10

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        I  walked over to Cheri frustrated. She would show up  just when Celine and I were about to kiss. I mentally groaned. Why was Cheri here anyway?

    “What?” I said, sounding irritated. She jumped.

    “I brought you lunch since we couldn’t hang out last night.” She handed me a bag.

    “Is that all?” I asked. She gave me a weird look.

    “I thought we could go on a picnic or something.” I shook my head.

    “Not now, Cheri.” I rubbed a hand down my face and she pouted.

    “Why not now?!” I hate it when she does  that.

    “Because I don’t feel like it,” I said turning to walk away. Sure enough, she was following me.

    “I bet it’s because of that girl, isn’t it? Ever since she got here it’s like you haven’t even looked at me or touched me!” It sounded like she was about to cry.

    “Arsen, what can I do to make you love me again?” I turned around and looked at her.

    “Love you?” I burst out laughing. “Cheri, I never loved you. I thought you were a nice piece of ass, good in bed, but love? That will never happen between us.” I laughed again.

    “It’s not like you care anyway, I’m sure you’ve been messing around with other guys .” She looked like she had been hit.

    “What me? N-”

    “Oh please, I heard that guy Jimmy last week saying something about you two in the back of the gym. Get out of my face, Cheri, I’m through.” She finally did start crying and ran the other way. I shrugged and headed back to the dorm to let the guys know that Celine gave me their blessing so that I could stay.

    Of course they didn’t believe me at first but after much pleading and threatening they finally let me in. Sitting down, I watched whatever it was that they were watching. Well, I wasn’t really watching, I was sitting there thinking. Cheri and I had finally broken up. This meant that I was finally single. It wasn’t even like we were really dating anyway.

                *        *        *

    The guys left a little bit later and Celine walked in. She smiled when she saw me and I smiled back.

    “What made you so happy?” I asked. She smiled and shook her head.

    “Nothing much, I can’t smile when I’m happy?” I nodded, the smile still on my face.

    “So, where are the guys?”

    “They left earlier.” She nodded and stood there looking awkwardly.

    “Come watch t.v. with me,” I said, patting the couch. Her eye widened.

    “Really?” She raised an eyebrow.

    “I wouldn’t have said it if I didn’t mean it.” She shrugged and came to sit next to me, eyes trained on the t.v.. I looked down at her arms where I saw the cuts and scratches, I started to say something about it, but shook it off because every time I brought it up she’d close off and not say anything else. I sighed and rubbed a hand down my face.

“You okay?” I looked over at Celine, mostly at her eye patch and stood.

“Just tired. I’m going to bed.” She nodded.

“Night.” With a small wave I went in my room and laid down.  

            *            *            *

The next morning the guys all came over for breakfast. Celine was still

asleep and the guys were trying to wake her up. I rolled my eyes.

    “Leave her alone or none of you are going to eat,” Pierce said. I looked over at him and smirked. He simply nodded and kept looking at his phone. Eight suddenly started coughing really loud. I glared at him.

    “Guys, let her sleep!” His eyes widened.

    “What? I was choking,” He said failing to sound innocent.

    “On what? Your spit? Guys, she needs to-” I looked up and she was standing there in her pajamas.

    “Hey guys.” She said. They all jumped up and smiled, hugging her.

    “Lil C! Hey, what are you doing today?” She grabbed a bowl and a box of cereal.

    “Going to class?” They all laughed and looked at her like she was funny.

    “Nooo, you’re hanging out with us today.” She looked like she was about to object, but I lifted my hand up stopping her.

    “Don’t try. They won’t let you go to class.” I took her bowl and cereal and replaced them with a plate full of pancakes, eggs, and sausage. She simply nodded and sat down.

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