Chapter 6

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Hey guys! Welcome back to Hurt and Abused! I'd like to address the fact that I accidentlly posted chapter 5 along with chapter 4, (I was in such a hurry to get it up and all my thoughts were flowing together) anyway i'm typing this all on Google Drive and posting it onto wattpad so, any mistakes I made haven't really been fixed or anything. Mostly because i'm so lazy so anyway, I hope you guys enjoy!


I sat in my math class, listening to Mrs. Barbs drone on and on about equations and all that bull. It was so boring and I was tired of Cheri sitting over there trying to get my attention. Closing my eyes, I pictured Celine and it automatically went back to us in the bathroom. I imagined myself seeing her in her towel. I was getting a little too excited about that. Grabbing my bag, I decided I would go to see if Pierce skipped this class period. He hated Mr. Green and I don’t blame him, the man did nothing but talk about his cat.

Walking up to his door, I was about to knock, but mentally laughed at myself. Please, the door was probably open. I pushed the door open only to find him and Celine hugging. Not one of those one minute hugs either. In all honesty, it looked like they had been hugging for a while. I stared at them, then turned and slammed the door, turning to head back to my own room. She couldn’t stay anymore, and if she need some place she could stay with Pierce.

        *            *            *


A few minutes later Pierce and Celine walked in smiling like idiots. I glared at Pierce and he raised an eyebrow. I looked over at Celine and she was looking at Pierce. She randomly laughed and reached up to hug him.

    “See you later, Cel- Celine,” he said. She rolled her eye and stuck her tongue out. He playfully pushed her shoulder and then hugged her again, whispering something in her ear. He turned, waved to me then left the room. I stayed there and glared at Celine.

    “What’s your problem?” she asked.

    “When did you two get so close?” She shrugged and started walking into her room.

    “Well, Crooks and I sort of talked too; why do you have a problem with it?” I thought about it. I did have a problem with it, but I didn’t get why.

    “Yes, I do.” She smirked.

    “Well, you’ll just have to get over it.” With that she walked in her room and closed the door behind her.

        *            *            *

I sat on the couch, watching a movie when Cheri called. Groaning, I answered and she was babbling on and on and on about some girl that she didn’t like. Then I noticed that her voice got low and flirtatious.

“Can I come over?” she asked. Even though I didn’t want to see her, my body was disagreeing so I grunted a simple yes and hung up. Celine came out of her room a few minutes later.

    “Hey I’m heading to the cafeteria want anything?” I shook my head and she nodded grabbing her bag and walking out of the room.

“Hey, Celine,” I said. She turned around. “Don’t come back in at least a few hours, Cheri’s coming over.” She smiled and for some reason that ticked me off. I didn’t want her smiling about that.

“Finally, some type of warning!!! I think you’re getting the hang of this warning people thing.” I laughed and she smiled, leaving.

        *                *            *

    Cheri came in a few minutes later wearing a skirt that was way too short and wearing way too much make up. I groaned and she raised an eyebrow.

    “You okay?” Nodding, I stood and grabbed her, sitting her on my lap. She got the message and began kissing me, rubbing her hands up and down my abs. She stopped kissing my lips and moved down to my neck and I pulled her shirt over her head.

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