Chapter 11

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         After eating the guys took me to this clearing by the school where they were sitting and drinking, just goofing off. I was so nervous because I never skipped school or classes, except that one time when I first got there, and the teachers didn’t mind because I was new. They simply just thought that I got lost and gave up. I kept sending glances Dustin’s way and he just gave me a reassuring smile.

    “Hey, are your parents coming for the parent meetings?” Crooks said. My eye widened.

“Parent meetings?” he nodded.

    “Of course my mom’s gonna come. She misses her baby boy too much.” I laughed,

    “What are parent meetings?” They all looked at me.

    “Parent meetings are when your parents come up to see you and check on how you're doing in class,” Eight said. “If you’re doing bad behavioral wise they give your parents a list of options to choose from as in punishments. But class-wise, it’s no biggie.” Crooks laughed and hit him upside the head.

    “Yeah, you would know.” He said laughing. Eight glared at him.

    “When are they?” Arsen looked like he was thinking about it.    

    “I think next month.” I felt like I was going to be sick. I stood dropping my drink and walked over to the nearest tree. I felt Dustin’s hand on my back.

    “Hey, it’s okay.” I shook my head. My hands were shaky.

    “Dustin, he’s gonna come here and see how I skipped these classes and how, I missed a lot of Mrs. Harp’s classes. She doesn’t like me anyway so I’m sure she’s going to say something about me.” He turned me to look at him.

    “Celery, you’ll be fine. You have me and all the guys. They won’t let anything happen.” I shook my head. I couldn’t let any of them get involved.

    “No, we can’t tell them anything.” It looked like he was about to argue, but I stopped him.    

    “I’m gonna go lay down.” With that I turned and started to head back to the dorm. I heard Pierce explaining to the guys that I wasn’t feeling good.

            *            *            *

I sat in my room back at the dorm thinking about how I would get on Mrs. Harp’s good side. All the scenarios that I played through seemed to have her hating me more. I flopped down on my bed and groaned in frustration.

There was a knock on the door and I got up to answer it. Cheri was standing on the other side of the door wearing...nothing. Well she was wearing clothes, but not the type of clothes I would consider wearing in public...or ever.  She pushed me out of the way.

“Where’s Arsen?” She asked. I shrugged.

“You’re his girlfriend, shouldn’t you be stalking him?” She rolled her  eyes and put her hands on her hips.

“I don’t stalk him and I need your help.” This didn’t sound good.

“With?” She pushed her hair out of her face and pushed me over to the couch.

“Umm, a simple ‘May we sit?’ would have sufficed.” She rolled her eyes again for the hundredth time. I was so tempted to slap her.

“I think he’s into someone else and I want you to find out who it is.” I crossed my arms.

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