Chapter 25

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I woke up and watched Arsen while he slept not in the creepy stalker way, just that I love you way. My eyes widened when I realized I meant it, that I did love him and that I had since the first time he burst into the apartment yelling about it being clean for once. I smiled at the thought and looked up into his pale blue eyes. He smiled at me.

"Morning beautiful." he said. I blushed and looked away from him. He grabbed my chin and pulled me to him kissing me. It was different from all the other kisses, softer and sweeter.

"What do you want for breakfast?" I asked. He smiled.

"You." I stared at him in pleasure and shock, but he just pushed my hair out of my face and watched me blush.

"You're beautiful when you blush." I sat up and he pulled me on top of him.

"Just when I blush?" I asked rubbing my hands up and down his chest. He shook his head.

"When you smile and laugh and the way you look when you're concentrating really hard, when you're asleep an-" I put a finger on his mouth.

"I get it." He laughed and sat up arms around my waist. I grabbed his face and gave him a long passionate kiss, when we pulled away I put my forehead to his and closed my eyes about to say words that I had never said to anyone before and with Arsen I knew they were true.

"I love you." I whispered. He didn't say anything. I opened my eyes and he was staring at me wide eyed.

"Arsen?" I said again, not being able to help the way my voice shook. He looked away from me and I climbed off of him grabbing my clothes.

"Celine." I shook my head throwing my shirt over my head and shimmying into my jeans. I grabbed a random pair of my shoes and then looked around the floor for my eyepatch. Arsen grabbed my arm.

"Celine." He said. I was crying and couldn't bear to look at him.

"Forget I said anything, forget I ever even existed. Just forget about it all." I said running out of the room not able to be in the same room with him. I made it to the lobby unsure of where to go.

"Ma'am do you need a cab?" I looked at the bell hop by the door and nodded. He whistled and a cab pulled up. I thanked him and climbed in just as Arsen came down chasing me. I gave him the address to the school and told him to step on it. He did.

* * *

I climbed out of the cab feeling disoriented and so when the cabbie asked me for money I wasn't sure how I was gonna pay, I had left my money with Arsen. Shelly happened to walk by and saw what state I was in, she paid the cabbie and walked me back to her room.

"Celine, is everything ok?" I shook my head and cried again.

"He doesn't love me." I told her. She stroked my hair.

"Who doesn't?" It hurt to say his name and I just shook my head. She hugged me and I tried my best to explain everything that happened. In the end she just told me to get some rest and she'd be back with Arsen's head on a stick. I tried to smile, but it seemed impossible. She just hugged me one more time and told me to lay down and I did, but it didn't feel like sleep, just me laying there trying to keep breathing.

* * *

Shelly told me the guys stopped by a few times and i managed a small smile.

"Crooks demanded to see you then a girl walked by, and well you know how he is." I laughed that did sound like Crooks.

"So, are you feeling better?" The weekend had passed and I had to go back to class where I would see Arsen. I sucked it up and my sadness became anger. I looked at Shelly determined to go and show Arsen that I didn't need him.

"I guess I have to go and move back, in since you're trying to kick me out." She frowned.

"I am not! You just so happen to be stinking up my room." My mouth dropped open and she shook her head.

"Uh uh honey don't do that, you're worst than eight." I scoffed.

"I don't see you on the ground going: I- I C- CAN'T BREATHE!!!" She laughed and pushed me out of bed.

"Go home." I laughed and grabbed my shoes heading to the boy dorm. When I walked in Arsen wasn't home and so I went to take a shower. When I came back out I realized that all of his stuff was gone and there was a note on his bed. I walked over and picked it up reading it. It said a bunch of crap about him moving in with his mom and that he was sorry for everything. I pulled out my phone and called Pierce we hadn't talked since that night, but still he had to know where Arsen was.

"Hello?" He said sounding distracted.

"Dustin, have you seen Arsen?" He cleared his throat and I imagined him sitting up. This had to be some kind of prank and he'd walk in that door in a few minutes laughing saying: "Sorry I made you wait so long, but i do love you." I waited and waited but it didn't happen. Pierce said something, but I dropped my phone. Just when I thought I was better.

The front door slammed and Pierce walked over to me.

"What happened?" He asked. Just like Shelly, I told him what I could and he stared at me shocked.

"YOU DID WHAT WITH HIM?!" I ignored him and went in my room grabbing my bag. He could avoid me all he wanted, but he couldn't just up and move like that. Pierce stormed in behind me.

"You slept with him?" He asked still shocked. I turned to him.

"Right now that doesn't matter. You're coming with me." I said putting my hair up and making sure I looked okay. I dragged him out of the room and went straight to the principal's office. He smiled at us as we walked.

"Celine, Dustin take a seat." Dustin walked over and sat down, but I pulled him back up.

"What's Arsen's new address?" I said. He stared at me as if making sure I was serious.

"I'm sorry I can'-" I shook my head.

"No you will give me that info, I need it, please?" He gave me this confused look.

"You're forcing me to give you info and then saying please?" I nodded and waited for him to give up.

"I'm not leaving till I get it." I said tapping my foot. Dustin leaned over trying to say something, but I shook my head. The principal sighed.

"As a principal I shouldn't be doing this, but as his father I think he really needs you right now soooo, I'm giving you two a pass from classes and the keys to my car. Don't wreck my car." He said. I smiled and waited for Dustin to take the keys. He did and rolled his eyes.

"Thank you so much!" I said running out of the office dragging Dustin behind me.

"Drive man, Drive!" I yelled at him, he covered his ears.

"Jesus, woman calm your tits." I glared at him and he surrendered.

"I'm going, i'm going." He said pulling out of the parking lot.

* * *

The drive to Arsen's house wasn't to long, but it felt like forever, and I still hadn't come up with my speech right now all I had was you asshole and You jerk, so I had a lot of work to do before we got there. Oh wait too late.

Dustin climbed out and we walked to the door. I made sure my dress was okay and knocked on the door. A lady with pale blonde hair and bright blue eyes opened the door. She looked us over and slightly frowned at Dustin's eyebrow piercing.

"May I help you?" She asked looking at me, taking in my dress and converse, frowning at the converse, but I didn't care about her right now.

"We're here to see Arsen." I said. She moved out of the way letting us in.

"Oh, please do come in, you can sit here while I go get him." We nodded and walked in following her into this sitting room. She left out and Dustin looked at me grabbing onto the ends of my dress.

"It'll be okay." He said holding my hands. I nodded and went back over my speech. I'd start with: 'YOU ASSHOLE!' and see what came out after that.

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