Chapter 15

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I stood in front of the school watching as kids met with their parents hugging and laughing, waiting for my own dad to get there. Looking around, I saw Crooks standing with his mom smiling and hugging a smaller version of himself. He saw me and walked over to me.

    “Hey Lil C!” He said giving me a hug. I hugged him back.

    “You’re dad’s not here yet?” I shook my head and he pouted. The little boy he was hugging earlier came and hugged his leg.

    “Danny, mom wants you to come on!” Crooks laughed.

    “Okay, okay.” He waved again and walked on over to his mom. I stood again looking for my dad. Pierce had his older brother, Eight was standing with an older version of himself, I assumed it was his dad. Cage was standing with a pretty lady with hair and eyes to match his. She yawned and I smiled watching him do the same thing not two minutes later.

    “Celine.” I heard the voice and instantly tensed, it was him. I turned to meet him with a fake smile to make sure it all looked real, but I couldn’t help it my hands were shaking.

    “Daddy,” I squealed, jumping up to hug him. He hugged me tighter than necessary and I knew he was angry. I ignored the pain that spread through my chest and looped my arm through his, plastering a fake smile on my face. We walked through the building and sat in the auditorium where the principal welcomed us. We then went to our classes. All of my teachers complained about me missing so many classes and falling behind and each time it seemed like his grip on my hand would tighten.

    I was near tears when  I got to Mrs. Harp’s class. When I saw the look on her face I knew that I wasn’t going to make it without him hurting me.

    “Why, if it isn’t Celine. You been off canoodling with your little boyfriend.” My eyes widened and I noticed my dad looking at me, that evil smirk on his face.

    “Boyfriend?” He said sounding astonished. Mrs. Harp nodded excitedly and she continued talking.

    “Yes, and she’s been missing my classes. Always late wearing those short little skirts and hanging around with the boys, nothing but a hussie.” My father looked at me, the full intent of violence in his eyes now.

    “Is there anywhere I can talk to my daughter? In private?” It felt like I could no longer breathe. I saw Arsen walk in and he sent me a small smile, one that I couldn’t return.

    “Ah, Arsen will you escort Celine and her father to an empty classroom? One on the third floor, since it’s closed off today?” He nodded and motioned for my father to follow him.


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    It’s like I wasn’t paying attention to anyone around me. My dad was casually having a conversation with Arsen and Arsen didn’t seem to see my scared expression. They talked about football while my breathing was getting shallower.

    Arsen stopped in front of a classroom with a blue door and motioned for my dad to go in before me. He gave me a pitying look and I begged with my eyes that he didn’t leave. He didn’t get my message and left anyway. I waited till he got all the way down the hall and walked slowly in the classroom with my dad.

    He smiled that smile he always gave me, before each beating and just like that I was on the ground.

    “I send you all the way out here so I no longer have to see your damn face and here I am back here, because you can’t behave.” My lip was bleeding. I coughed and wiped my mouth.

    “You got anything to say for yourself?” I opened my mouth to speak, but his foot met my face. I fought the urge to yell out in pain, but couldn’t help it. He lifted me up by my hair and I grabbed his hand trying to ease the pain.

He yanked me closer to him and kneed me in the stomach. All the air was knocked out of me and I slumped on the ground.

    “So, who’s this boyfriend of yours?” He asked, not waiting for me to respond.

    “Didn’t I tell you not to get into relationships? They cause little bastards like you.” He pulled out a cigarette and blew smoke in my face, before flipping me on my ass again. From the position I was laying in, I thought of thousands of ways that I could defend myself, but no matter how much I wanted too, I couldn’t do it.

Grabbing my hair again, he banged my head against a counter until my vision began to blur and everything was spinning. I tripped over my own feet and landed on a desk. I heard the familiar sound of his famous switchblade and cringed, trying to get away from him as fast as possible, but my hand eye coordination was worse than usual. He yanked me back to him and hit me till I laid still.

My breaths were coming out slow, and I continued to go in and out. He gave me one last look before carving the three words in the same spots as always: “disaster” on my side,  “whore” on my hand, and straight across my back in big letters “failure”. I cried out in more pain as he carved those three words into my body and waited till I passed out like always. He kicked me one last time and left me there on my own.

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