Chapter 17: Celine

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    I woke up to three worried faces and tried to sit up, they instantly pushed me back down.    

 "Hey," I said trying to sit up again, but they pushed me back down again.   

  "Lil C, you need to rest." I coughed and looked at my surroundings. I was in the hospital, but why? Then all the events from that morning came back to me.    

  "My dad came?" They all nodded and Pierce came to stand next to me.     

   "Hey Celery." I smiled at him, then grimaced because it hurt. He stroked my hair.    

 "I'm so sorry about all of this, I shouldn't have left you alone." I grabbed his hand.    

 "I'm fine, okay? I'm fine, it's not your fault." I looked around at them again and frowned.    

 "Where's Arsen and Cage?" Pierce's grip on my hand tightened and I pulled it away.

  "He's not welcome here." My frowned deepened and he sighed.  

    "He left you alone with your dad." This time I sat up without anyone pushing me down with a face that said it all.

 "Yes, I was left alone with my father, but it's not like he knew what would've happened. I didn't tell anybody about my dad, so there's no one but to blame but me!" Crooks was instantly by my side.

 "Celine, this isn't your fault either. Your dad is just some sick guy." Normally, I would shake his comment off, but I began to cry. Eight came and hugged me.

  "Cel, it's okay. You have us and I'm sure Arsen will come around sooner or later." I leaned into him and closed my eyes trying to calm down. The door opened and Shelly and Johnny walked in.

 "Hey little one," Johnny said giving me a small smile. I returned it with my own no matter how much it hurt. Shelly walked over and sat the flowers on a table beside me. She looked me over, eyeing my wrapped up arms and the bruises on my face. Her bottom lip trembled and a tear escape from her eyes.

 "Oh Shells," I said reaching out for her and pulling her into a hug. She sniffled.

  "I wasn't supposed to cry. I was supposed to be strong like you and bring you flowers and make you laugh, not see you and make you think you were ugly." I couldn't help it, I laughed.

  "I'm so ugly I made you cry?" She looked at me horrified, which only made me laugh harder. "Celine." I smiled at her.

 "So, Johnny boy, didn't know you could get all mushy with the necklace and what not." He blushed and I reached up to pull his cheeks.

  "So cute when you blush Johnny buns." He pushed my hands away.

 "Why are you always putting food after my name?" I laughed.

  "Simply because I love you Johnny honey." Shelly finally laughed. "I can't believe I'm so ugly I made you cry." She laughed and hugged me again. The nurse came in looking at my group of friends.

 "Alright, guys visiting hours are over." They all waved and gave me a small hug before leaving. Being left alone with my own thoughts was already pretty painful and this was nothing worse than what he's done at home. The only difference was that this time he had been angry, angrier than any other time that I had seen him. The nurse came back and checked my blood pressure and doing all types of nurse type things before leaving me alone in the dark. I sat up and made my way painfully to the bathroom. Lifting up my gown I saw that he had carved the same word there, disaster. I turned around and looked at my back, the same word was there. I didn't bother looking at my hand. I made it back to my bed and laid there until I finally fell asleep.

     *            *            *

 The guys came by everyday along with Shelly and Johnny. They brought a few flowers from other students and entertained me through my boredom. Shelly and I sat in the bed eating some random junk food that she got out of the vending machine earlier.

 "So, how long has this been going on?" I looked at her and she wouldn't meet my eyes so I knew she meant the abuse.

 "Since I was ten." Her mouth dropped open, but she quickly closed it. I went through explaining the first time he hurt me. The way he made my eye the way it is and that that's the reason I was wearing the eye patch all the time. She cried with me and got angry for me which made me happy, because I was so loved.

  "I'm gonna get Johnny to track him down and-" I cut her off. "I know you love me Shells, but don't. He may have hurt me, but he's still my dad." She hesitated then nodded and grabbed my hands, hugging me.

 "Well, now you have nothing to worry about You have me, Johnny, Pierce, Crooks, Eight, Cage, and well, maybe Arsen." I sighed. I wondered if I did anything wrong. The nurse walked back in and shook her head at me.

 "Didn't we say no junk food?" I smiled sheepishly. "Well you see, the way my stomach is set up, I kinda couldn't help it." She smiled and shook her head

 ."Well, now I don't have to fuss at you about it anymore, they just released you." I squealed and hugged her.

 "Awww, Amy I'm gonna miss you!" She laughed, but I really was going to miss her. We had gotten so close since these past few days. She kept sneaking up on me taking my chocolate. She sighed and hugged me back.

  "You were one of my funniest patients Celine. I'm going to miss you too. Now, go get your butt in these clothes so I can clean this room." I laughed and spun into the bathroom to change. When I walked out, Shelly was patiently waiting for me. I smiled and wrapped an arm around her. For some reason I was feeling pretty invincible, like no one could touch me. I even put on my short sleeved shirt showing my arms which, for the most part, was healed. Shelly was prancing around with me spinning me around and singing at the top of her lungs. I put her into a dip and we both fell.

 "Celine!" I looked up at Amy and smiled. She couldn't stay mad at me forever. "Do I need to call you a cab?" I looked to Shells and she shook her head no. Amy came and hugged me before telling me to get out of here before I messed something else up. Shelly and I walked out of the hospital and headed over to her car.

 "Do we have to go back to school?" I groaned. She nodded.

  "Yes, we have to." I pulled on her arm.

 "Can we go shopping first?" It looked like she wanted to say no, but I pulled on her arm and gave her my puppy dog eyes.

 "Finnne!" She said. I jumped in the air and did my little happy dance before yelling, "Race you to the car!" and ran off.

 "You don't even know where I parked!" She yelled after me. I stopped, realizing what she was saying was true.

 "Did you park this way?" She shook her head no and I sighed walking back over to her and followed her to the car.

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