Chapter 9

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  I walked down the road, constantly rubbing at my eye. My hand was throbbing and my eye hurting like crazy, worse than it ever has before. I was having another panic attack. I didn’t get it-- Arsen. I just met him and it was like he was finding out more than even Dustin had even found out in so little time.

“Celine!” I turned around and Dustin was standing there. I ran to him and he hugged me, rubbing my hair.

“Celine, what happened?” I put my head up against his chest and started crying.

“Did Arsen do something to you?” I shook my head.

“I’m gonna kill him!” I grabbed his arm.

“Dustin, no!” He looked at me and saw the desperate look in my eyes. Grabbing my hand he pulled me down the road.

“My wrist.” He stopped and looked at my wrist and his eyes widened.

“It did get worst when I left.” He pulled me into a tight hug. “Celine, I’m sorry. I am so sorry.” I hugged him back and couldn’t help but cry harder.


It felt like we stood there like that for hours, until he told me to come on and we began walking back to the dorms, which weren’t too far away. I looked up at Dustin and he rubbed my cheek with his thumb.

“Call me if you need anything, okay?” I nodded and he hugged me one last time. When I walked into the dorm, all the guys were sitting there. They noticed me walk in and jumped up.

“Celine! Are you okay?” I looked at them and smiled.

“I’m okay.” I said, hugging them each. Crooks gave me a long look over before crushing me into his chest. I couldn’t help but to cry, I was a big crybaby. Besides, I had never felt so loved before.

After everyone made sure that I was okay, they all left to go to their own dorms. I walked over to Arsen’s door and knocked.

“Go away,” He said. I smirked and pushed open the door.

“You’re going to tell the girl you made cry to go away. You’re so mean.” I said, with mock hurt. He sat up and looked at me.

“Are you okay?” I nodded and came to sit on his bed, Indian style.

“Arsen, look, I’m sorry I keep freaking out on you and I keep causing you so much trouble.” I looked into his eyes and saw they were looking at me like I was crazy. So crazy that those were his exact words.

“Are you crazy?” I shook my head and he sat across from me.

“You must be because, in all honesty, I’m the one that’s making you this way, so I should be the one apologizing.” I frowned and shook my head.

“Celine,” I looked at him and he smiled, a real smile that wasn’t just a smirk. “I’m happy you had fun, before I ruined it.” I grabbed his hand.

“You didn’t ruin anything.” Before he could say more, I walked out of his room.


The next morning I decided to go see Johnny. I felt like I hadn’t talked to him in forever and he had to hear about my awesome trip to the movies.

“Hey you.” I said, walking up the stairs to his little hide away only to find him and Shelly making out. My eyes widened.

“OMG!” I yelled, and they jumped apart and looked at me.

“Celine! Hey!” They both said. I did a really girly squeal and ran over to them.

“You two are finally together now! Give me details!” Shelly was blushing but smiling as she told the story, which was so cute. One day, while Shelly was getting picked on, Johnny came and stood up for her. The girls that were picking on her asked him what his problem was, and he said that they were picking on a girl that he liked. At that point, I had to hug him and squeeze his cheeks.

“Awwww, Johnny bear,” I said. He blushed.

“Shut up.” I poked him in his side and stood.

“I shall leave you lovebirds alone.” I said with a wink, before walking down the stairs.


Walking back to the dorm, the guys were there again. Looked like I would be seeing them around a lot if they kept showing up here.

“Hey guys,” I said. They looked away from the screen and towards me.

“Hey, lil C.” Crooks said. I raised an eyebrow.

“See, you call us by our nicknames so we gave you one till we can be a little bit more creative.” I smiled and went to join them in front of the t.v.

“Hey, where’s Arsen?” I asked. Pierce looked at me, giving me a look. I just shrugged.

“We kicked him out.” I jumped up.

“What?! Why?!” They paused what they were watching.

“Because he made you cry and no one makes Lil C cry except for Eight.” Eight jumped up.

“Why me?!” They all looked at him.

“Your farts  man, not stink or have a disgusting odor they stank.” I laughed and Eight shrugged, agreeing. I stood.

“Where you going?” I looked at them.

“To find Arsen.” I said closing the door behind me.


I left the dorm and went to the courtyard. I remembered telling him and Cheri to do it anywhere but where I could see them and this was one of the places that I mentioned.

He was sitting there reading a book. I went and sat next to him. He looked over at me then back at his book.

“I heard the guys kicked you out.” He smiled.

“Yeah, they really care about you, you know?” I smiled and looked up at the trees and a few flowers.

“Yeah, I know.” He closed his book.

“You’re the first person that they’ve ever cared about. I mean, even Cheri can’t get them to openly act like they do around you and you did that in only a couple of days. What’s your secret?” I smiled.

“You really wanna know?” He nodded and I motioned for him to scoot closer.

“I have no secret; I like to be me. I mean, I am just that loveable.” He laughed and looked at me .

“You really are,” he said, leaning closer. I gulped and watched as he inched closer and closer, then decided that I couldn’t help myself and I began to also lean closer to him.

“Arsennn!!!” He closed his eyes and sighed looking up. It was Cheri, of course.

I moved away.

“I’ll see you later,” He said standing and walking over. I sat there trying to contain all of my excitement. WE ALMOST KISSED!

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