Chapter 22

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I watched Celine while she slept, but not like a creepy stalker watch, just sort of... I don't know how to explain it. She was smiling about something, and I couldn't help but think back to her dad. The man really was an asshole and deserved to be locked up. I rubbed my hand through her hair and she snuggled closer. I wrapped an arm around her waist and closed my eyes trying to fall asleep.

* * *

I woke up and Celine wasn't in the bed. I sat up and looked around. Her bags and stuff was still here, so I assumed she went to the bathroom or something. I laid back down and tried to fall back asleep, but Celine came out of the bathroom and opened the curtains.
"Come on mister, rise and shine. We have a big day ahead of us." I groaned and looked at her. First, she wakes me up and kicks me out of the bed, then she wakes me up again.
"Celine, why do you keep doing this to me?" She smiled a really big pretty smile that reached her eyes and laid next to me.
"Only because I love you." Her eyes widened and she blushed.
"As a friend of course." For some reason that made me feel disappointed, like I really wanted her to mean it in a different way.
"I guess your friend should go take a shower." I spat at her. She jumped but nodded not looking at me. I sighed, realizing I couldn't get mad at her honestly. It's not like I expected her to be in love with me or anything, when honestly all we did is kiss, nothing more. Sighing, I grabbed my bag and went to take a shower.

* * *

Celine and I were walking down the street looking at different shops. She pointed at one and dragged me towards it. Inside was this dress she saw and I guess she fell in love with it. She gave me puppy dog eyes and I groaned, letting her pull me into the store. She walked through and found the dress and bought it. She clapped happily as we left and looked through more stores.
Back at the hotel, Celine and I sat there throwing Cheetos at each other, trying to see who could catch the most in their mouth. She hadn't caught not one, while I caught eight.
"It's the way you're throwing them!" She fussed. I shook my head no laughing. I was only doing it on purpose.
"Nah you're really bad at catching them." She came and sat in my lap.
"Oh really?" I nodded trying to ignore the excitement going on in my pants.
"It's not fair to cheat," she whispered. I swallowed and she smirked.
"Life's not fair." She bent down and kissed me, moving from my lips to my cheek, then my neck and then went to nibbling on my ear. I suppressed the urge to moan and pushed her away. She smiled smugly and walked away. I walked behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist kissing her on her neck and rubbing my hands across her stomach. She moaned and reached up and wrapped her arms around my neck. She twisted around and kissed me pushing me back, and we both fell on the bed. She pulled away and looked at me, her cheeks red and her eyes full of lust. I sat up and she was sitting in my lap facing me.
"Celine," I said, my voice low and husky. She touched the bottom of my shirt about to pull it up over my head. I grabbed her hands.
"Are you sure about this?" She blinked and just like that it was gone. She gasped.
"I'm so sorry, I took it too far." She stood and moved away, but I shook my head grabbing her arm.
"Celine, you didn't take it too far. I just wanted to make sure you really wanted to do that, but you're not ready. I understand." She nodded and I kissed her one last time.
"Arsen?" She said.
"What are we?" I raised an eyebrow.
"What?" She shook her head.
"Nothing, I - Nevermind. I'm going to the pool." She grabbed her swimsuit and left the room. I laid back on the bed. Why was it that when Celine tried to "do the do", as Crooks puts it, I stop her, but any other girl and I literally mean any other girl, I would have went all the way?
I stared at the ceiling and eventually fell asleep, waiting for Celine to get back.

* * *

I woke up and Celine still hadn't come back. I went down to the pool and she was swimming laps back and forth. The manager walked by and saw me.
"She's been like that for a while. I want to tell her the pool's supposed to be closed, but she obviously has a lot on her mind." I walked inside and sat in the chair that had her towel on it. When she was finished with her last lap, she stood and climbed out of the pool. She saw me sitting on her towel and smiled breathlessly.
"Hey," she said, taking her towel from me and wiping her face and drying her hair.
"Are you okay?" She nodded and wrapped up, grabbing her key.
"I'm fine. Just had a lot to think about." I nodded and ushered her back upstairs to our room. She took a quick shower then came back out and turned the tv on to "I Love Lucy'. She laughed at something Lucy said and turned to me.
"Lucy is really funny, isn't she?" I nodded absent-mindedly.
"Arsen?" I looked at her and she was giving me this worried look. What were we? We acted like a couple, we did couple like things, it's just we didn't declare ourselves as together.
"I'm going to bed. The festival is tomorrow, need to get a lot of rest." I went to the bedroom and tried to fall asleep.

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