Chapter 6 🩸

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The next day
I am sleeping
Klaus' arm is still around me
I wake up
I attempt to get up but he pulls me in closer

Noo. He says in a raspy voice.

I have to get ready for the day. I say

I move his arm and get up and head to the restroom, I freshen up
I get out of the restroom and go to the kitchen

You and Klaus? Stefan asks

We are simply friends. I say while I make myself an espresso
Klaus walks out of the room he snatches my espresso from me.

Just friends. Klaus says

Indeed just friends and that was my espresso. I say

It's Mine now. He says with a grin
I roll my eyes

Are you two ready? Klaus asks

Yes, I am but Where are we going? I ask

The smoky mountains. Klaus says

Stefan picks up Ray and gets in the car. I say

I don't listen to you. Stefan says
Klaus grabs Stefan by the throat

You do whatever she advises you to do. Klaus says

Oh okay. Stefan says trying to breath
Klaus lets him go
Stefan goes to grab Ray
I face Klaus
He walks towards me and grabs my waist

What are you doing? I ask

This. He says and kisses me

Klaus we can't. I say

Shh. He says and kisses me again

We have to get going. I say
Klaus stops

Ughh okay. He says
I grab his hand and we walk to the car

They are going to be a ton of werewolves at the mountain so be cautious. Klaus says

I'm generally cautious. I say
Stefan gets in the vehicle with Ray
Klaus drives to the smoky mountain
We show up at the smoky mountain
Stefan gets out and puts Ray over his shoulder
Klaus and I begin to walk
Stefan is following us
3 hours in I get worn out

For what reason am I not able to utilize my vamp speed? I inquire

Because we don't need them to realize we are vampires. Klaus says

Ugh alright. I say
Klaus stops walking

For what reason did you stop? I ask

Get on my back. Klaus says

You sure. I say

We have a little bit left to walk. Klaus says
I get on his back
He begins to walk

Did you put on weight? Klaus says as a joke

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