Chapter 29🩸

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The next day I wake up
Klaus is getting ready

Morning Love. He says

Morning. I say
He gets on the bed and kisses me
I turn so I am on top
I kiss his neck
He pulls me away

We can't I have to go. He says
I get off of him and walk to the bathroom and I wash
My face and brush my teeth

Where are you going? I ask
I get no reply
I finish getting ready and walk downstairs
Klaus left
At Rebekah's house
Stefan wakes up with a sleeping Rebekah's arm around him. He slowly removes her arm and gets out of the bed. He quickly puts his clothes on with vampire speed, trying to sneak out. He puts on his jacket and opens the door to see Klaus.

Leaving so soon? Klaus says
Rebekah angrily puts her robe on.

This is my place, Nik, and I don't appreciate you invading my privacy like some kind of creeping Tom. Rebekah says

Well, I apologize for breaking up this sordid little tryst, but I do have some urgent business. Or have you forgotten – our paranoid brother Kol is running around with the white oak stake and homicide on the brain? Klaus says

He tried to kill me last night. I didn't forget. Rebekah says

Yes, well, unfortunately, he seems to have absconded with my set of daggers. Klaus says

Oh, poor Nik. However, will you get your way without your precious daggers? They were so handy when you wanted to end a conversation with one of us! Rebekah says

Kol's irrational fear of Silas has pushed him over the edge. We need to put him down before he does any more damage. Now, I know you have the last dagger, and I know you have some white ash, so hand it over. Klaus says

Mhm, and leave myself unprotected? You can file that request under 'no chance in hell.' Be gone by the time I have showered. Lurkers aren't welcome here. Rebekah says and leaves.

I need that dagger, Stefan. Talk some sense into her. Klaus says

Why don't you talk some sense into her? I'm headed home to play prison guard to Damon. He's on lockdown ever since Kol compelled him to kill Jeremy last night. Stefan says

You see? That's my point exactly. If you let Kol roam free, then Jeremy won't live to see his junior prom, and we can kiss our map to the cure goodbye. But if you help me dagger Kol, Damon will be uncompelled, Jeremy will live, and we'll all be on our merry way to a human Elena. Klaus says
Damon is still in the cellar, looking weak. He hears footsteps and sees Stefan.

You coming to snap my neck again? Because I woke up feeling completely un-murderous, and I'm pretty sure that it's safe to set me free. Damon said
Stefan throws a vial of blood towards Damon.

Oh man, really? You practically bled me dry. At least spring for a bag or something. I'm thirsty. Damon says
Stefan sets a water bottle between the bars of the door.

Not exactly what I had in mind. Damon says annoyed
Damon gets up, groaning, and walks over to grab the water bottle. He sees Klaus standing on the other side.

Hello, mate. Klaus says

What the hell are you doing here? Damon says
Klaus smiles.

Babysitting. Klaus says

Oh Damon says

Give him a vial of blood every couple of hours, so he doesn't desiccate. If he gets too much strength back, or if he just annoys you, bleed him out again. Stefan says

Silent treatment, huh? Is that your best shot? He's still pissed at me for sleeping with Elena. Damon says

Are you sure about that? 'Cause I saw him trying to sneak out of Rebekah's bed this morning, which would suggest to me that he's moved on. Klaus says
Stefan sighs.

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