Chapter 28🩸

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Klaus left in the middle of the night
I was awake but I didn't really care where he went.
I was too tired to care.

Klaus went to the bar To force Jeremy to kill more vampires

I can't do this. Jeremy says

What makes you think you have a choice? Klaus says

You have to kill vampires to complete the hunter's mark. Mark equals cure. You're in a bar full of almost vampires, so get your hunt on. Damon says

Screw you. You said I wouldn't have to kill any innocent people. Jeremy says

Jeremy, they're not people. Damon says

Enough! Have at it, or else. Klaus says

I don't take orders from you, dick. Jeremy drops a stake. Hunters can't be compelled. He says

Klaus laughs and walks up to Jeremy
You're right. I can't compel you. But if your conscience is getting in the way, then allow me to make this easy for you. Because I can compel them. Klaus says
They look at the vampires in transition; a few compelled humans are feeding them their blood.

I'm gonna give you a two-minute head start. Then I'm gonna send every vampire in here after you. You kill them, or they kill your friend...Matt. Klaus says

Wait for a second! Matt says

No, no. You turn them, he kills them. That was the deal, Klaus. Damon says

I'm taking artistic license. Klaus says

You know he can't take them all on at the same time. Damon says

With you as his coach, he'll be fine. It's Matt I'm worried about. Klaus says

Ah...Jeremy, go get the weapons out of the car. I'll be right behind you. Both of you. Damon says

If I hear an engine start, I'll kill Matt myself! Klaus says
Most of the transitioning vampires have been fed blood and are standing.
It's morning
Klaus isn't home yet
I get up and get ready
I walk downstairs And go into the library
And grab the Grimoire and start to read spells and memorize them

Rebekah went to the Salvatore house

Stefan is coming out of the shower. He stops and turns around to see Rebekah reading his diary on his bed.

I know you were, uh, daggered for a little while, but, uh, knocking is still a thing. Stefan says

So is writing in your diary apparently. I'm just checking for doubts. You can never be too cautious when it comes to love. One minute, you're begging me to compel Elena from your mind, and the next, I'm up coffin creek with a dagger in my back. Rebekah says

Right. Well, you can read it all you want. I'm done with her. Stefan says

Until we find the cure, right? [Stefan doesn't answer and pours himself a drink.] Hey, I'm talking to you. She says and closes the book.

Oh, I know you are. I'm ignoring you. Stefan says

Look, we're at a bit of a disadvantage in this whole race for the cure. Team Klaus has Jeremy the hunter, team Shane has Bonnie the witch. Rebekah says

If you're here to remind me of our last place status, I'm very well aware. Stefan says

Actually, I have a plan. The cure is buried with Silas, that ancient evil guy my brother Kol is afraid of. Shane was so eager to prove his existence that he gave away that he has one of the keys to resurrecting him, his headstone. Rebekah says

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