Chapter 18🩸

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The next day
Matt drives Rebekah up to the house and parks his pickup truck.

Here we are. Home, sweet, home. Matt says

Okay, spill. Why are you being nice to me? Rebekah says

I drove you home. You don't have a car. Matt says

Not just that, I mean, helping me with the dance and then standing up to Caroline. I don't buy it. Rebekah says

Buy what? Matt asked

The whole gentlemanly thing. After everything, my family has done to you. What are you up to? Rebekah asks

It's sad that you can't just get a ride home from school without thinking there is some ulterior motive. Matt says

You're right. I'm probably gonna organize the whole dance and then have to compel myself a date. Rebekah says

Let's not get crazy. Goodbye, Rebekah. Matt says

Goodbye, Matt. Thanks for the ride. Rebekah says
Rebekah gets out of the car and Matt drives away. She stands there for a while, smiling. She enters the house and sees someone standing by the fireplace. Rebekah stops and the person turns around. It's Esther.

Mother. Rebekah says
Rebekah rushes over to her, grabs her by the throat, and pushes her against the wall.

Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you right now. Rebekah says

Because I'm dying. Esther says

At the Salvatore boarding house
Klaus enters the cell.

Well, this is depressing, isn't it? Klaus says
Stefan stands up.

Oh, and I found this [Klaus shows them the stake.] upstairs. Now, by my count, there should be one more. Klaus says

Yeah, well it's gonna take a little more time. Stefan says

Why? Because we're waiting for that one to pass out? [He points to Alaric.] No thanks. I think I'll just kill him. Klaus says

Well, then you won't know the location of the other stake. Stefan say

I can live with that. Klaus says

Well, I can't. When we staked Finn, we discovered that killing an Original vampire killed its entire bloodline. Now, I don't know which one of you I'm descended from, but I'd really rather not find out by dying, so why don't we just find the stake, destroy it, so we can all be safe? Stefan says

So, the fate of the entire vampire race depends on you finding a stake? And to get it we need you to pass out. This means that I feel totally justified doing this. Klaus says
Klaus rushes towards Alaric and breaks his neck. Alaric dies.

There. Sleeping like a baby. Klaus says
Klaus is pouring himself a drink in the parlor.
Back at the Mikaelson mansion

How are you dying? I thought Ayana preserved your body with a spell. Rebekah says

She did. I'm drawing my power from the Bennett witch line. When Abby died the connection was severed. So my body has weakened. Esther says

Well, if you've come to spend your last moments with your loving daughter, prepare to be disappointed. You should have spent less time plotting my death. Rebekah says

Is that what you think I've been doing on the other side? I've been looking over you for a thousand years. Of joy and heartbreak. Your fights with Klaus, the nights you cried yourself to sleep calling out my name. Not a day has gone by that I wasn't right there with you. Esther says

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