Chapter 30🩸

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I am driving
I arrive in New York
New York is my safe place I always come here to forget everything
I walk up to my apartment with my suitcase
I walk in and set my suitcase on the floor and leave
I am walking around I get hungry
So I go to a bar
I order some food and scotch
I finish eating I start to drink
when I hear Damon and Elena
I ignore it and drink some more
Someone walks up to me

Don't you think that's a lot of drinking? A guy says

Don't you think you should mind your business? I say

She's feisty. He says

You should leave me alone. I say

You're a beautiful girl he says and touches my shoulder.
I move his hand off of me

Don't be mean princess. He says

I am not your princess. I say

Why don't you come with me? He says and grabs my hand I try to get out of his grip but I couldn't
I get a flashback for when I was younger

I was 7 and walking down the street after grabbing groceries when I felt someone grab my hand I turned around it was an old man named make he was our neighbor

Hi, jake. I say

Hey Scarlet. He says

Can you please let go of my hand? I say

No wanna play a game. He asks

No, I have to get home. I say

That can wait. He says

He yanks me in the woods
Let go of me. I say

No, we are gonna play a game. He says
And took me down to a cellar
He started to kiss up my hand
I started to cry and scream let me go
He covered my mouth with tape
He took off my clothes and tied my hands to another chain on the wall
He took his pants off
I am crying and kicking my legs he grabs them and forced himself inside of me
He wouldn't stop
It hurt and I couldn't do anything
End of flashback

Your gonna regret touching me. I say
I chant a spell
He falls to the floor screaming

You should have listened when I told you to leave. I say and walkout
Damon saw me at the bar
He gets a call from Stefan

Hey, Guess who I saw. Damon says

Who? Stefan asks

The one and only. Stefan says

Scarlet. Stefan says

Yep. Damon says

Klaus grabs the phone from, Stefan

Damon, what is she doing? Klaus asks

Look who cares now. He says

I always cared now what is she up to. Klaus says

I don't want to talk to you give the phone to Stefan. Damon says

Is she okay? He asks

Umm none of your business he says and hangs up

Elena stay here I will be back. Damon says
He rushes towards me

Back in mystic falls
He ended the call. Klaus says

You deserve that. Stefan says

Why are all of you on her side? He asks

Because you hurt her and Scarlet is like an amazing girl for some reason you don't get that.

I thought you didn't like her? Klaus asks

Scarlet is like a friend to me even though she has put us in danger she always saved us a lot more than anyone of my other friends. Stefan says

I don't need her. He says and walks out of the house and goes to Carolines house

He walks in
Love. he says

Klaus. She says and runs up to him
He kisses her

Back to New York
I walk into my apartment
I lay on my bed
And a tear is falling down my cheek
I hear a knock and I wipe my tear and open the door
I see Damon standing

Damon. I say

Scarlet. He says

Come in. I say
He walks in

How are you? He asks

I am good. I say

No, you aren't I can tell. He says
I close the door

Wanna a drink. I ask

No, I am here to talk to you. He says

About. I ask

About you. He says

What about me? I ask

Tell me the truth how are you doing after. He says

I don't want to talk about it Damon and if that's what your here to talk about then you should leave. I say

Okay, we don't have to talk about that. He says
And sits down on the couch
I sit next to him
why are you in New York? He asks

It's my safe place. I say

Oh okay. He says

Why are you here? I ask

To find Katherine. He says

Oh. I say

You know I am here whenever you need me. He says and gets up

Thanks, Damon. I say
He leaves
I lay down on the bed
I eventually fall asleep

Couple days later
I go to a witch

Hi are you, Emma? I ask

Yes, that's me. She says

I need information. I say

What type of Information. She asks

About my family the knights. I say

The knights. She says shocked

Yes, the knights. I say

Your one of them. She says

No, I just need information about Adia knight and the village she lived in. I say

Adria knight. She says

She was the queen of the knights I legends say that her daughter will be the most powerful witch of all times. But when she was killed the whole village was devastated. They all ran away. She says

do you know where the knights could be today? I ask

New Orleans, I have seen them but don't tell anyone. People want to kill them. She says

I won't, thank you. I say
And give her five thousand dollars
And leave

I go to my apartment and grab all my stuff and put them in my car I get in my car and drive to New Orleans.
While I am driving to New Orleans I get a call from Damon
Saying to come back to Mystic Falls

I asked Why and all he said that's it's important and I need to come back now
So I turned my car and drove to Mystic Falls
Me finding my family would have to wait.

Hope you guys enjoyed the first book.

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