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December 5

He feels different, we need different.

"Where! the! fuck! Have! You! Been!" Blaise asks hitting me in the head with the quibbler.
"In my dorm," I state. I wasn't lying that's where I've been.

"I had Fred for some company," I announce smiling at him. He started playing with his fingers. I could tell he was nervous especially when he can see Angelina right next to George. It boils my blood to know they fucked too.

I knew they did the other day we walked in on them. But George dared to hit Fred for sleeping with me when he slept with Angelina.

I snatched Fred's hands and he started to play with mine. His tension dulled down once we touched.

"Oh, so you two are dating?" Blaise asks pointing his fork between us. I laughed shaking my head.

"I don't think so," I confess looking up to Fred for some help but his focus was still on the others. What on earth could be so important over there?

I looked over to see a raging George that had skin to match his hair. His fists clenched up and veins popping out of his neck. Jogging over to where we are sitting.

"What in the fuck!" He takes a seat next to Blaise who shifted a little ways away.
"do you think you two are doing?" George asks his fist slammed against the table. Fred's hands proceeded to burn up and clench as he held onto mine. I rubbed them to soothe him to calm him down, but George wasn't making it easy.

"We're just doing what you and Angelina over there have been doing for—" I pretend to look like I was recalling something, "two weeks?" I say glaring at him. He scowled back intensely trying to burn my soul.

"We know you two fucked," Fred let out sounding broken and brave. George was taken back, he hadn't known we knew.

"You dared to get mad over me and Fred when you did the same thing, for crying out loud Fred and I can't even remember anything!" I start yelling at him, releasing all the guilt and pain I've bottled up the past weeks.

Blaise's mouth was dropped to the floor Draco following as he hunched by Blaise.
"You can shove it!" I yell at him before he takes off back to the Gryffindor table.

"Are you alright?" Draco asked making Blaise move further down. The boys sitting across from Fred and me. "Yeah I'm fine," I lean into Fred who had put his arm around me.

"You guys need to have some fun," Blaise states. Cracking up at me and Fred who held exhausting faces.

"Party tonight!" Draco hollers in excitement. Shouting with Blaise as the boys act like little kids. "Will spread it around," they shout both getting up and running around the hall telling people. It was like watching kids play tag the way they bombarded tables, whispering to students.

Fred and I laughed at the two imbeciles.
"I guess we have a party to attend," Fred announces standing up taking my hand in his. "Let's go get ready,"

"Let's do a whole makeover!" I cheer as Fred and I roamed the halls to the dungeons.
"I'm going to dye my hair!" I shrieked echoing through the halls. Fred spinning me as I talked about what I was going to do.

"Let's do each other's hair?" He suggests smirking at me. I jump on him in excitement as he carried me to my dorm.

Fred started applying the dye I mixed up to my ends and scalp. I left a few pieces out so I can bleach them. My head was covered when I started on Fred's hair.

"What do you want?" I ask him before I began cutting. "Short get rid of it," he murmured I was surprised. I tugged on it earning a groan from him.

"As you wish," I say cutting off his locks. He's grown it out forever and now cutting it all off. By the time I was done, I couldn't even recognize him. His face was so much more handsome and complex. I was drooling over the sight of him.

"Okay get in we need a shower,"

Woah, Wicked | Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now