503 13 1

January 5th

He needs to leave me alone.

"Do you remember what to do?" My father asked me his hand on my shoulder. I nodded grinning at the menace I'll create.

"They're ready!" He cheers to the deatheaters attending today. Draco and I take one another's hands and there we were back to Hogwarts.

"Why'd you do it?" Draco asked turning to me.

"I had no reason not to," I explain, Fred, stuck on my mind. The only excuse I used for myself to not become a death eater.

I wouldn't have put him in harm's way, so many options to choose from when I was with him. He was just in the way, a simple identical heartbreak was all he was.

"What'd he do?" Draco questioned references, Fred. I shut my eyes breathing in and out before replying.

"Simply cheated as do all the Weasley boys, must I go on?" I throw attitude starting to head to the great hall.

"I think I like this new Genevieve," Draco complements as he joins my side. The two of us strutting to the great hall.

We stepped inside kids already placed in their designated house. I roamed to the Gryffindor table where Fred sat with Katie. My heart was crushed, the thoughts of them together destroying me entirely.

George and Angelina sat beside them, George and Fred in an active discussion. The two must've made up, good for them. They simply needed me out of their lives to fix things.

I continued forward not giving any more attention to the twins. My head held high, posture straight back.

Draco and I paced to the Slytherin table sat next to Pansy and Blaise. Luna wrapped around Blaise as they talked. Pansy slithering into Draco.

"Well that was a grand entrance," Pansy commented starring me up and down doing the same to Draco.

"Rumors are running around," Blaise began panicked for the both of us mumbling his news.

"That you two are death eaters," Luna said bluntly continuing with her week's quibbler.

Draco and I looked at one another a smirk appearing on both our faces. "Well, would that be such a bad thing?" I question Pansy taking a sip from my pumpkin juice.

"Well no but no fair! My parents say I have to wait till 17," she whines. I laugh at her along with Draco.

"Well I'm the only 17-year-old, Draco here's still 16, you should whine to your boyfriend," I insist picking on her a tad bit.

"Not for long girl your birthdays next week," I look down, already coming so quickly. I had no plans for my birthday, in all honesty, I'd forgotten about it.

"Will go all out for you no worries," Blaise reassured me turning back to his girlfriend.

We continued eating bickering in when will start the cabinet. Draco insisted immediately well I insisted we start tomorrow. I wanted my sleep tonight.

"Watch this," Draco bragged grabbing a scoop full of mashed potatoes throwing it the twin's way. Landing directly on top of Katie. I burst out laughing at the sloped mess in her hair. She shrieked and whined beginning to grow red.

"How dare you filthy little snakes," she hissed grabbing the mashed potatoes out of her hair.

"Thought you needed a little makeover!" I yelled over to her. High-fiving Draco as I sat back down.

"What's the matter with you?" George questioned looking down at my appearance.

I'd changed over the rest of the break. I decided to keep my hair but I changed my whole look. Instead of my usual prissy pastel, I exchanged it for all dark neutrals.

My petty skirts to my knee rose to my mid-thigh, my tennis shoes replace with all heels. The plain Jane lips changed to red. Honestly, I was sexier than I've ever been.

"I could've asked the same question," I rose my eyebrow glaring at both the twins.

Pansy, Draco, and I decided to make our way to the room of requirement. Prancing out leaving the rest of the children.

"I told you we need to start now!" Draco explained poking at the cabinet.

"We just need to fix it and it'll be fine, I'll read up on it and come back tomorrow, for now, I'm exhausted," I sigh leaving Pansy and Draco to go fuck in the empty room of requirement.

I moved down the moving stairs on my way to the dungeons. I passed the Gryffindor common room where I regret turning to. In a matter of five seconds, the twins come into view. Both full force running towards me.

George and Fred gripping my arms leading me backward.
"And what in the fuck do you think you two are doing?" I question letting them drag my body weight.

"We heard," Fred states throwing me into the prefect bathroom. Oh the memories here, the first place me and Fred had made love. How pathetic to look at it now.

"Heard?" I add trying to act as if I didn't know what they were talking about.

"Are you a deatheater Genevieve?" Fred questioned his face turning stone cold.

"How bout you both go worried about your little girlfriends," I smile at them trying to remove myself from the wall they placed me on.

Both of them push me back, pinned to the tile.

"Show me now!" Fred yelled gripping down on my arm. I hissed in pain as the mark was still healing.

"Fine," I smirk lifting my laced sleeve. The death mark slithering about on my arm. They both paused mortified.

"Why?" Fred cried out looking at my death sentence.

"You can't tell anyone," I mutter out pulling my sleeve back down. The realization of me being a deatheater kicked in. I was on the other side of the fight.

"We're leaving tonight and you're coming with," they said synchronized. Pulling me yet again everywhere they went.

And then they apparated. I wasn't willing to put up a fight, it wasn't worth it. I didn't want to be in their presence, a wannabe cheater and a cheater.

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