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•TW: there are slight indications of assault•

Date Unknown

She won't get away with this.

When I awoke the next day I had no recognition of where I am. I had fallen asleep in the twin's arms when they dragged me around. I had no acknowledgment of where they're taking me. Which is why I'm so confused about why I'm in a square room.

The room is covered with silver wallpaper detailed in metallic grey. Cedarwood furniture covered every inch of space. Making it hard to see the wood flooring that matched the furniture.

The green bedding falling off me slightly as I sat up to glance around the room.

"Hello—" I thundered searching for Fred and George, know where to be seen.

A few moments passed by as I tried to recollect my memory of earlier.

They kidnapped me well they dragged my body with them to their dorm and mine to gather each one of our belongings.

The door I hadn't noticed earlier knob jiggled and in came Fred.

"Hey darling," Fred blurted walking into the unknown room. I glared at him for multiple reasons now. I wanted nothing to do with him.

"What?" I sneered grabbing the blankets and yanking them off. Swinging my legs over the bed to make it easier to turn away from him. I slouched with my arms crossed facing the wall full of dressers. A particular dresser was in front of me a mirror attached. I gazed through my lashes into the mirror to see Fred walking closer.

"You need to stop I have a few things to show you," he expressed sadness covered his throat. He set himself beside me, his body weight pressed down on the bed nearly knocking me off.

I yet to look at him as he stared at me through the mirror directed from us.
"Go on..." I say fidgeting with the dead skin around my nails. Paying more attention to anything besides him.

"Look at me!" He yelled grabbing my chin, not harshly, but in more of a plea.

We finally made eye contact his eyes puffy and his face full of dried tears. You could tell the only thing he has been doing was crying. His kissable lips were pale and matched his skin. His red hair was so dull it looks dusty.

"Loot at me—please," he stutters tears pricking his eyes, causing them to be puffy. I stare into his eyes that were brown drizzled with green now covered in red pits of hell.

"What?" I cough out trying not to let his pain turn into mine. My body ached at the sight of him. I couldn't dare stand to look at him like this, but I still stared into him not looking away.

"What could you possibly have to say, Fred! That I'm a death eater? Woohoo can't change that now, can we? We all knew it was bound to happen! My fathers fucking Tom Marvolo Riddle For Merlin's sake!" I shout the realization kicking in. I could care two fucks about what Fred had done to me.

I was more concerned about the part of I had no one to depend on. Everyone was so caught up in their love life or worrying about power.

My father had no care for me unless I accomplished his task. My mother did not care she only wanted my father to be happy.

George did not care how much his actions would hurt me he fake cheated. For goodness sakes Freddie the one I thought...the only one I thought I could depend on cheated on me.

I had no one but myself, myself, and my power that was running through my veins. What I was capable of had only spiked just through me.

"Come here," Fred said pulling me in, that's when the tears started. I balled into Fred letting everything out. He knew I'd one day have to give up, had to stop pretending everything would be alright. We both just didn't know when, until now.

Woah, Wicked | Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now