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September 1, 2016

The redheaded slytherins.

"Nano!—" Genevieve yelled in an attempt to get her children down to her.
"—Alani! Come help with Luciano!"

There her kids ran down the stairs bugging each other as they went stepping forward. Alani takes Luciano in her hands.

Genevieve smiled as she saw her 7th-year son Nano in front of him, he was a Slytherin like his mother. He also had his mother's eyes, she'd loved that of him, but everything else was of his father. The red hair and freckled cheeks, even his humor was Fred's.

She could Remember the first time Fred and George experimented with Nano. They blew up the shed and broke Nanos first finger, which led to many more once Nano figured out he'd be attending Hogwarts.

Genevieve watched her only daughter Alani rock back and forth her last child Luciano in her arms. Alani was in her 4th year and her brightest child. Though Nano topped of barley below. Alani was also placed into Slytherin though she had very similar traits to Gryffindor. She was a very typical teen girl, though Genevieve knew she hated painting her nails and loved to go on backpacking adventures with her uncle Charlie.

Thought her next trip won't come soon. The last time she came back from a trip she'd brought home not one, not two, but five Hebridean black dragons. Fred and I were not too fond of Charlie that day.

Genevieve chuckled at the thought as Fred paced with a smile on his face. Fred gripped Luciano by the arms throwing him in the air and catching him again smiling and playing with him as everyone watched.

Luciano is for sure the Gryffindor, hard to tell as he is the newborn. Though Genevieve just had a motherly feeling.

She watched as her kids gathered around their father laughing at the joy she and Freddie created. She loved every part of her life and never hid any of it.

Her memories of Nano, Alani, and Luciano.

"Nano you can't eat that you silly." Fred cheered to his one-year-old son scooping him up from the hardwood flooring and setting him upon his shoulders.

"Should we go find mommy?" He questioned walking around to her office where she'd been working all day on paperwork for the wizarding shop.

Nano covered my eyes as I guessed who he must be. Plummeting him in my lap as Fred and I tickled him.

The one where Alani would sleep right next to the fireplace waiting for Santa to come. Though she'd always fall asleep by 10 and wait till next year for it to happen.

The spontaneous trips Fred planned for the family, all the way till Fred and Genevieve got remarried the correct way with their kids and the ones they truly loved.

Though there are of course the not-so-good times. Such as Nanos's 6th-year summer when he snuck in Dracos eldest daughter Rome. The parents had just laughed because it reminded them of their youth, now of course Nano had got the guts to ask Miss Rome Malfoy out. The two now happily dating.

Genevieve now whispers to Fred whenever Harry and his wife Nevaeh come over with their children. She whispers about how red Alani gets when she hangs out with Potter's son Thomas. Though the two have grown up together back to back for years, very inseparable. Genevieve commented on their Bestfriend to love romance.

Which she appreciated Thomas was a sweet kid in the same year and house as Alani. The two were the best to be and Genevieve could tell. Though Fred hated the idea of his precious little girl ever liking a boy, he's had many talks with Alani about boys. Though Alani just rolls her eyes and agrees well Genevieve makes snide comments toward them because she and Fred know exactly how their relationship had started.

Genevieve and Fred created their perfect life by mistake. Though they cherished and loved it all. Growing and building every day with their children.

"Woah, Wicked." That is correct, it's amazement all in itself.

Woah, Wicked | Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now